
MOVED - The project is still under development but this page is deprecated.

Primary LanguageScala

NOTICE - This project has moved.

It is now part of Foursquare's open source monorepo Fsq.io and all future work will be published there.

The project lives on but this Github repo is deprecated.


Rogue-Field is a set of interfaces for defining the fields of models. It is used in Rogue, a type-safe Scala DSL for executing queries against mongo, and Spindle, a Scala code generator for Thrift.


In sbt, add:

val rogueField      = "com.foursquare" %% "rogue-field"         % "2.2.2"

Join the rogue-users google group for help, bug reports, feature requests, and general discussion on Rogue.


The latest release is 2.2.2. See the changelog for more details.

Major changes in 2.2.2:

  • drop support for scala 2.9.2, add support for scala 2.11