How to use GITHUB for Project 3:

"[2014/5/13] I have migrated the test harness code across to github (for those who just want to upload code into IVLE, simply "Download" to the right of the page)" - COMP10001 Projects page

To use github in the most basic sense you can either download the whole package of files using the button to the right marked "Download" and then upload to IVLE, or unpack into your local directory. You do not need an account to do this.

You can also click directly onto one of the files above to view its contents and the history of changes made to it, such as cases added or changed.

If you're interested, you may wish to create a github account (free + bonuses for uni students) to use as an alternative Version Control System to IVLE, paricularly useful if you use an offline/local editor. The github software (windows/mac) is pretty good. This also has the benefit of a news feed style page where you can get updates to this project. For those looking to go further with programming and CIS, github can be useful to show off completed projects to employers.