
A* pathfinding algorithm built in python.

Primary LanguagePython


HUGE Thank You to https://github.com/amitp and his amazing articles at https://www.redblobgames.com/. A lot of credit goes to him and his articles describing the pathfinding algorithms and graph theory.

This project utilizes two pathfinding algorithms built in python; Astar (A*) and Dijkstras.

The A* algorithm has a weighted heuristic allowing for a dynamic balance between Greedy First-Search and Dijkstra.

f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

where f(n) is total cost, g(n) is cost so far from node n to the start, h(n) is our heuristic function below.


def Heuristic(h, w1, w2, c):
    h += h(w1)
    c = c(w2)
    return h+c

where h is the distance from node n to the goal, w1 is the Greedy First-Search weight, w2 is the Dijkstra weight, and c is the cost from the current node n to the next node n'


$   python3 pathfinding.py
Input Result
0 (zero) Execute pathfinding with Dijkstras Algorithm
1 Execute pathfinding with the Astar Algorithm
2 Set the w1 Greed First-Search weight
3 Set the w2 Dijkstra weight