An Android library to create dialogs with ease and handle user interaction reliably, using fragments and material design.
- AbhinayMe
- adrian5632
- alexanderfokin@retech-us
- alexxxdev@magdevelopment
- AngeloAvvMyLittleSuite
- ankurbhut
- clawoflight
- eagle-S
- eltosGermany
- FatCatCodeBangkok, Thailand
- gen2brainBelgrade, Serbia
- isabsent
- joshdaquinoPhilippines
- kaplanerkanBottrop
- kingdom2011
- lekeCoderSimplySwift Solutions
- LimeVistaChina(
- luizdefrancaToronto
- makispGreece
- morristech@ShopriteX
- nisd93Ahmedabad,India
- peoxnenItuality
- pranavlathigaraRajkot
- Rainer-Lang
- sagarvasnani
- serdizzykLviv
- sgennrw
- shaljam
- shraddha189Ambicus Tech
- tbfungeekGuangzhou
- UniqueJoyIndia
- webserveisBarcelona
- wlhjklDD
- yanglichuanBeijing chaoyang
- zxp0505
- zyyoona7Xiaomi