Price Ping

Price Ping allows users to search and set price notifications for Amazon products. The app is catered to users who hold off on buying products in hopes of a price decrease. Users can set a price alert on any product for one to five days. If the price of their selected product drops, they will be notified via text with a link to the product. Users are able to add multiple alerts, manage current alerts, and see their recently viewed products.

Technology Stack


  • Python/Flask
  • Python Libraries: Random, PyShorteners
  • SQLite, SQLAlchemy


  • Javascript, jQuery, AJAX
  • HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap


  • Amazon Product Advertising
  • Twilio

Overview & Features


alt home-page

Search Bar

  • User selects category from dropdown and enters search term into text field
  • Input values are used to create the API call to Amazon.
  • API response is an XML object, the server then iterates through the XML object to retreive products and product attributes to create a JSON string that is saved in the database.

See what others are setting alerts for

  • The server queriers the database for five random alert_id's from all users profiles.
  • AJAX get request to load trending alerts on homepage.

Search Results

alt search-results

  • AJAX get request to retrieve JSON string that was created on user search.
  • When new page is selected, get request to refresh page results

Selecting a Product

alt alert-preferences

  • Each products has link to open modal window.
  • Modal window displays product, product attributes and input boxes for user to set price alert preferences
  • When window is originally opened, product information and corresponding user id are saved to the alerts table in the database as an inactive alert.
  • If the user submits information in the window, the alert information is sent to the server with a post request and the inactive alert is now changed to active.

My Account

alt my-account

Current Alerts

  • All of the users current, active alerts are shown.

Your recently viewed items

  • This column shows the last three items the user selected, but did not set an alert for.

Text Notifications

alt sample-text

  • Text notifications are sent using Twilio API
  • Separate .py file is run hourly to query for active alerts
  • An API call to Amazon is formed for each active alert
  • The current price of the product is compared to the alert price set by the user
  • If the current price is equal or lower than the alert price, a text is sent to the user with a link to the product

Get Price Ping Running on Your Machine

Clone or fork this repo:

Create and activate a virtual environment inside your project directory:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get your own secret keys for Amazon Product API and Twilio API and save them to a file

Source your secret keys:


Run the app:


Navigate to localhost:5000 to search Price Ping for products and set your own alerts.