
Provides a repeatable local development environment that matches an app server infrastructure, associated databases, and services.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status License: MIT Maintainability Known Vulnerabilities

Provides a repeatable local development environment that matches an app server infrastructure, associated databases, and services.

Where do I start?

0. Ensure your machine has virtualization enabled. (Windows Only)

See the article "How to find out if Intel VT-x or AMD-V Virtualization Technology is supported in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Vista or Windows 7 machine" for instructions.

1. Install Virtual Box and Vagrant.

2. Install Vagrant Puppet Install vagrant plugins.

3. Checkout this repository to your machine.

# The directory where your code lives.
cd /Users/danieltedman/Workspace

# Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/dbtedman/app-local.git

The path to this repository e.g. /Users/danieltedman/Workspace/app-local will hereafter be refereed to as $REPO.

4. Install ruby and bundler.

If you are on Windows and see errors like SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed, see SSL Certificate Updates for instructions on how to fix this error. Or try https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5720484/how-to-solve-certificate-verify-failed-on-windows?

After installing ruby, you will need to make it accessible from within PowerShell. To do this, you must first change your ExecutionPolicy to allow custom scripts. Run the following from within a PowerShell Run as Administrator session.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

Create a C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file with the following contents, replacing Ruby23-x64 with the version you installed.


Close all PowerShell windows and reopen one and run the following command to check everything was installed correctly.

ruby --version

5. Install ruby dependencies.

cd $REPO && bundle

6. Install puppet module dependencies.

cd $REPO && bundle exec r10k puppetfile install --verbose

7. Define a $REPO/hiera/developer.yaml configuration file to customise Puppet and Vagrant configuration.

# Customize the PHP version. (Experimental)
php: '56'

# Enable OracleXE install and setup. (Experimental)
enable_oracle_xe: false

# OracleDB root password.
xe_root_password: ''

# File name for rpm zip downloaded from Oracle website.
xe_zip: 'oracle-xe-??????.x86_64.rpm.zip'

# Enable or disable server spec acceptance tests.
enable_server_spec: false

# Configure memory allocation for VM.
virtualbox_memory: 4096

# SSO Demo Data. Update these to emulate a different user or a user with different access.
sso_dummy_staff_number: 's123456'
sso_dummy_given_name: 'Jane'
sso_dummy_family_name: 'Doe'
sso_dummy_email: 'jane.doe@example.com'
  - 'cn=General Staff (All),ou=Groups,o=Griffith University'
  - 'cn=Staff (NA),ou=Groups,o=Griffith University'

# Used to customise which ports are mapped to on a developers workstation.
  https: 8443
  mysql: 8306
  xe: 8521 # OracleXE database.

# Set to true if you get ssh auth errors when provisioning vm. This will stop vagrant from trying to
# replace the ssh keys that came with the base VM box.
disable_ssh_key_insert: false

# RPM files downloaded in dependencies instructions, add just the file names here not their full path.
oracle_instantclient_basic: 'oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-??????.x86_64.rpm'
oracle_instantclient_development: 'oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-??????.x86_64.rpm'
oracle_instantclient_sqlplus: 'oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-??????.x86_64.rpm'

# MySQL database configuration.
# The 'testdb' key is the name of the database, change this to change the database name.
# The 'testuser' key is the username being created, change this to change the username being created.
  root_password: 'password'

          password: 'password'
            - 'ALL'

# Defines which repositories will be mapped into the VM and how.
# The key 'example' will be used in the url of the website, e.g. https://localhost:8443/example/.
# Change this to the name you want in the URL. The source is the location of the code on your
# development machine. Use '/' or '\' based on OS. The public is the path relative to the root of
# code as it will appear in the vm. It uses '/' here even if source is on Windows.
    source: '/Users/jane/Workspace/example'
    public: '/public'

8. Download Oracle InstantClient (.rpm) Files basic, devel and sqlplus into the $REPO/app_modules/app_local/files directory. The names of these files will need to be added to the $REPO/heria/developer.yaml config file for oracle_instantclient_basic, oracle_instantclient_development and oracle_instantclient_sqlplus properties.

# Example based on instant client version at time of writing these instructions, the current version may be different.
oracle_instantclient_basic: 'oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-'
oracle_instantclient_development: 'oracle-instantclient12.1-devel-'
oracle_instantclient_sqlplus: 'oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-'

9. Download Oracle Database Express Edition 11g Release 2 for Linux x64 into the $REPO/app_modules/app_local/files directory. The name will need to be added to the $REPO/heria/developer.yaml config file for xe_zip property.

Only required if you enable (experimental) Oracle XE DB setup in your hiera/developer.yaml file.

# Example based on instant client version at time of writing these instructions, the current version may be different.
xe_zip: 'oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm.zip'

10. Update the $REPO/heria/developer.yaml file, projects section to map projects in your workspace into the VM.

When mapping new projects into the vm or updating the configuration of existing ones, you will need to run the vagrant reload --provision command to apply these changes. This is not required however when you are first setting up app-local vm.

    source: 'D:\Workspace\apples-git'
    public: '/public/'

In the above example, the key apples will be used to create the URL https://localhost:8443/apples/ which will read files from the /public/ subdirectory of the D:\Workspace\apples-git source directory on your workstation. For example, https://localhost:8443/apples/about.txt will return the contents of the D:\Workspace\apples-git\public\about.txt file. Slashes \ or / in the source property are based on your workstation operating system, however the public path will always use / slashes.

11. Start and provision the virtual machine.

cd $REPO && vagrant up --provision

See Vagrant CLI for documentation on how to interact with the vm.

12. View an index of deployed applications, https://localhost:8443.

13. Connect to installed databases. This will be based on the listen_ports properties defined in the $REPO/heria/developer.yaml config file.

# Example configuration, your port mappings may be configured differently.
  https: 8443
  mysql: 8306
  xe: 8521 # OracleXE database.

Want to lean more?

See our Contributing Guide for details on how the sausage is made.

Who built it?

Created Down Under by Daniel Tedman.
