
Python Template Engine

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muffin Python project template wizard

Makes starting up new projects with bells and whistles a breeze!

What should a good python template engine have????

  • Should have a modern directory structure: /src and /tests for separated source and testing. /data, /temp, and /logs for managing all the data that will be pouring in.

  • Should have inpeccable documentation:

    • README.md for git
    • Sphinx docs ready to use, and a config file to make the setup really quick.
  • Git ready

    • .gitigore with the essentials ignored.
    • some all-around useful git-hooks
    • Really nice README.md
    • A LICENSE that we can choose from a list of the most popular.
  • Some AWESOME utilities included by default:

    • Sphinx documentation
    • Pytest
    • ipython
    • Konch, with some premade great defaults.
  • Should have SCARY virtual environment support

    • Create a custom virtual environment!
    • Includes
    • Choose from different Python versions
    • Choose different modules to include in the pip install
  • Should be FLEXIBLE!

    • The wizard lets you keep defaults saved so you can just "Enter" through the common ones.
    • The templates folder can be tweaked for your preference,
    • or make your own templates directory structure, it just has to start with 'template'
  • Should be like other AMAZING systems, like Django!

    • Yup, we have a manage.py - and it rocks.
    • Cut down on boring, mundane project maintenance, use manage.py fool!


$ python pystart


  • Setup the directory structure

  • /project/

  • /project/src

  • /project/tests

  • /project/data

  • /project/temp

  • /project/logs (still need this)

  • Write startup files:

  • init.py files for root, src, and tests to indicate packages.

  • initial README.md file.

  • .gitignore

  • Command line option to only create a README.md

  • Basic wizard to specify project info:

  • wizard: Project name

  • wizard: Author - Default in my settings

  • wizard: Purpose

  • wizard: Description

  • wizard: License: type

  • wizard: Ask for starting modules(Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, requests)

  • wizard: Ask for Python version(2.7, 3.4, 3.5, etc)(can we list the available ones???)

  • wixard: show available choices if user makes a mistake

  • Remember project defaults for wizard

  • Update defaults when new ones are input from wizard

  • Allow None for some wizard choices

  • Main.py: Create empty

  • Main.py: Module doc

  • Main.py: import logger

  • main.py: config file

  • Main.py: argparse

  • Main.py: main method, "hello project!"

  • Complete check of system requirements to run this script (and to have the ideal environment)

Sys libs

  • is git installed?
  • is virtualenv installed?
  • is python/python3 installed?

Pip libs

  • is pip installed?

  • is autoenv installed?

  • is konch installed?

  • is py.test installed?

  • is ['urllib3[secure]', 'requests[security]', installed for py2?

  • Setup virtualenv

  • Autoenv config file(.env)?

  • Setup.sh script that executes program installs

  • Setup.sh: update pip

  • Setup.sh: initialize git repo

  • Setup.sh: pip install basic packages(autoenv, konch, pytest)

  • Use Python 2(later option to use python3)

  • Option to use PyPy?

  • Option to use Anaconda?

Functional tests for addons

  • Functional test for Selenium

  • Functional test for Beautiful Soup

  • Functional test for requests

  • manage.py - Create a utility to make managing mundane tasks much easier

  • cleanup - clear out the temp, data directories

  • archive - archive the data directory into a gzip/bz, then clear it out.

  • new module(pop): Create Basic template for a new module and it's corresponding test.

  • freeze: create/regenerate requirements.txt for virtualenv

  • setup docs(sphinx)

  • CC-BY-SA 3.0 : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

  • argparse - debug option, verbose built in

Other modules to ask about: lxml, pillow,

How to check coverage, with pytest? Travis CI? PyPi? Attach githooks?