##Overview This repository contains several code samples created by Roger Soucy (no additional developers were involved). The code samples found here are for review purposes only, and are not to be included in projects or distributed without permission.
###Note: Most of the code samples here are part of larger projects and will have dependencies that will prevent them from running alone. If a fully functioning code sample is required, please request this directly from roger.soucy@elusive-concepts.com
Code Samples for Interviews
Sample File | Description |
/JavaScript/framework.js | A javascript framework for eDetails (uses JSON+AJAX for slide loading and navigation) |
/PHP/class.debug.php | A debugging class for the Elusive Framework (manages errors, logging, benchmarking, and the error console) |
/PHP/class.events.php | A simple event manager class |
/PHP/class.model.php | An abstract database model class (PDO specific) [note: should be abstracted further] |
/PHP/class.request.php | A PHP singleton to encapsulate and scrub request data (GET, POST, SERVER, COOKIE) |
/PHP/class.user.php | A concrete class which extends class.model.php |