
OpenTable clone using Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Reservester Application

This Rails application is an OpenTable clone built during mainly during my time at Startup Institute. In essence, a restaurant reservations web application through which I was introduced to the Rails MVC Framework.

Technologies Worked With

Through Reservester I explored the following technology stack (including gems):

  1. HTML (erb)

  2. Twitter Bootstrap HTML+CSS

  3. Ruby

  4. Javascript

  5. jQuery

  6. PostgreSQL

  7. Amazon AWS S3

  8. Heroku

  9. Devise

  10. Figaro

  11. RMagick/ImageMagick


Reservester is currently capable of the following:

  1. Listing restaurants (done through an owners account) containing the following fields of information:

* Name
* Description
* Address
* Phone Number
* Category - currently each restaurant has one category. Multi-Category search pending.
* Reservations - field only available for each owner. Users may make reservations and receive an email confirmation. Each restaurants owner may view a particular restaurants reservation from the restaurants show page.
  1. Owner Dashboard - once logged in owners have access to a dashboard listing their Reservester restaurants and other pertinent information.

  2. Mailer - Reservester is currently capable of sending email confirmations utilizing an email template to users who have made reservations. Emails list Reservation information.

Known Issues

  1. NavBar Formatting - I would like to spend some time making tweaks to the application layout.

  2. Categories - restaurants currently only have a short list of categories to be listed under from which only one can be chosen.

  3. Seeds file needs additional work as I continue to learn how to properly use it.

Future Work

Some changes I’d like to make before feeling like I’d like to move on to other side projects:

  1. Multi-Category Search

  2. Reservations limitations based on restaurant capacity

  3. Front-End Layout Tweaks