Library Management System - Field

LBS contains two directories; server (a nodejs/expresjs api folder), web (a reactjs frontend folder). Both built using typescript with aim of usiing less package dependencies as possible.

Notes on implementation

  • Currently the authentication process is flawed as both refresh and access to kens are sent via request body and stored in localStorage making the api valnurable to CSRF, getting tokens when routes are intercepted and much more. A better approach would be having the access token in the request header and refresh token stored in the cookie with a shorter duration (user's don't need to stay signed in for long)

  • Formdata and requests leaving the frontend are currently not validated which may lead to unexpected errors on both the server and web if not handled correctly.

  • The database model is designed based on requirements and method in which the frontend is espected to consume the data ( currently not indexed properly). i.e, each BorrowHistory document includes a borrowedBy and borrowedbook fields which are FK pointing to user and book respectively. Why include an array of history IDs to both user and books, when history would likely be fetched alone more frequently? Also indexing both fields (especially userId - borrowedBy) would be more appropriate.

Backend API validation process

Validations are performs using express middleware,

  • requestValidator validates incoming request payload using a zod schema
  • deserialiseUser grabs and validates any incoming Bearer token; saves the verified user to a request-level variable or returns a null. The deserialzedUser is always used before authValidator.
  • authValidator denies access to an endpoint if no user object is present in the request. i.e res.locals?.user.
  • roleValidator Always comes after deserializeUser -> authValidator since it depends on the res.local?.user request-level variables. Middleware checks the res.locals?.user?.role against the given role.

API Endpoints


Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Body Error Codes
/api/auth/signup POST Registers a new user if unique username doesn't exist. A user role, access and refresh token is returned {username, password, role} objects: {user : {role}, token, refresh} 401: Unauthorized, 500: Internal Server Error
/api/auth/signin POST Assigns a authentication tokens to user if provided credentials are correct {username,password} {user: {role}, token, refreshToken} 404: Not Found, 500: Internal Server Error
/api/auth/refresh POST Assigns a new refresh token to user. tokens only last for about 3mins N/A { token, refreshToken}
/api/auth/logout POST Removes user token from header and cookie (currently no implemented) N/A N/A


Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Body Error Codes
/api/books GET Fetchs all books
/api/books POST Creates a new book (admin & liberian)
/api/boooks/genre POST Creates a new book genre N/A
/api/boooks/genre GET Gets all book genre N/A
/api/boooks/borrow GET Gets all borrowed books (member) N/A
/api/boooks/borrow/:id PSOT Creates a new request to borrow a book (member) N/A
/api/boooks/:id PUT updates a book (member) N/A
/api/boooks/:id DELETE deletes a book (member) N/A


Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Body Error Codes
/api/admin/users GET Fetchs all users
/api/admin/users/:id DELETE Deletes a user
/api/admin/users/:id PATCH Updates a user
/api/boooks/genre POST Creates a new book genre N/A
/api/admin/users POST Adds new user N/A

Tech & Libraries

  • Frontend: React, SWR + axios (http calls and request caching)
  • Backend:
  • Expressjs (http api),
  • zod (validating requests),
  • CORs (cross origin resource sharing)
  • Prisma (database ORM)
  • MongoDB document-based/No-SQL database