Web Development Environment with Docker


With this environment it is possible to access a web service such as a website, for example, with a persistent Mysql database and access to the mysql graphical interface

To access the environment follow the steps below:

1º clone the repository in your folder

 git clone https://github.com/elvis7t/DOCKER_BASE.git

2º Inside the DOCKER_BASE folder run the command

docker-compose up -d

3º Access the containers


phpmyadmin(Mysql Interface)

Change the Database to your aplication

Change the following files:

  • db/migrations/init-database.sh change the name of the bank that is like "useacabeca";
  • docker-compose.yaml line 24;

In order for your ready-made database to be exported and instantiated: In the db/migrations/001-create-database.sql folder I suggest exporting the already created database to a .sql file, then change its name to 001-create-tables.sql and replace it in the folder.

Remove the containers and delete the db/data folder before running

docker-compose up -d 

Folder with your web system

The system folder if changed to one containing html, php etc files.. it is necessary to change in 2 places, because this name is the reference, so change it in:

  • DOCKERFILE line 3
  • docker-compose.yaml line 12