
Template for microfrontend proyect and redis implementation with docker infrastructure

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Service Mesh Showcase

This React application displays information about Pokemon cards. It employs microservices to fetch data from an external Pokemon API and uses RabbitMQ for messaging between services. Data fetched for the first time is sent through RabbitMQ to the Redis service, which then caches it in Redis for faster subsequent access.


The system consists of three main components:

  1. React Microfrontend: A user interface for searching and displaying Pokemon card information, based on a microfrontend architecture.
  2. Pokemon Microservice: Queries the Pokemon API for card data. When data is fetched for the first time, it sends a message to the Redis service via RabbitMQ.
  3. Redis Microservice: Manages caching of card data. It receives data from the Pokemon service through RabbitMQ and stores it in Redis cache.

Sequence Diagram

participant F as Front
participant SR as Redis Service
participant RE as Redis
participant SP as Pokemon Service

participant RA as RabbitMQ
alt When information is not in the cache (Redis)
    F->>+SR: getCard(cardName)
    SR-->>RE: getCache(cacheKey)
    RE-->>SR: Key does not exist
    SR->>-F: Info does not exist
        F->>+SP: getCard(cardName) Query information from Pokemon API
        SP->>F: Returns card information
        SP-->>-RA: sendMessage(cardInfo)
        RA-->>+SR: readMessage() Read message with card information
        SR-->>-RE: setCache(cardName, cardInfo)
else When information is in Redis
    F->>+SR: getCard(cardName)
    SR-->>RE: getCache(cacheKey)
    RE-->>SR: Cached card information
    SR->>-F: Card information

The diagram represents a flow of interactions between different components of a system. There are four main participants: Front, Redis Service, Redis, and Pokemon Service. RabbitMQ (a messaging service) is also included.

The flow begins with the Frontend making a card query (getCard(cardName)) to the Redis Service. If the card information is not found in the Redis cache, a sequence of interactions occurs to fetch the information from the Pokemon API. The information is sent through RabbitMQ and stored in the Redis cache. If the card information is in the Redis cache, it is retrieved directly and returned to the Frontend.


  • Node.js
  • npm o yarn
  • Docker


First, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/elvisbrevi/ServiceMeshShowcase

Build Vite Apps

In microfrontend/card-component and microfrontend/card-app folders:

npm run build

Set up microservices and microfrontends with docker compose

Create and run the images:

docker-compose up --build

Just run the images:

docker-compose up


Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5000/. Enter the name of a Pokemon card to search for its information. The application will first try to get the data from Redis and, if not available, will fetch it from the Pokemon API and store it in Redis for 30 seconds.


Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements.


This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.