This modified version of the Kismet-Ubertooth plugin implements channel hopping with a piconet in Kismet (original plugin does not hop channels at all), so that we can follow traffic from a specific Bluetooth device, and so future developers in this area will have a better method by which to capture and analyze Bluetooth traffic.

Requirements (download and set up the following):
- Kismet []
- Project Ubertooth []
- Wireshark [Ubertooth specific:]

Replace the Kismet-Ubertooth plugin with our modified version:
$ cd ~/ubertooth/host/kismet (or wherever your Kismet-Ubertooth plugin is)
$ sudo rm -rf plugin-ubertooth
$ git clone plugin-ubertooth

Our implementation current requires hardcoding the host device's BD_ADDR, which you can set in > ubertooth_follow_setup() > ubertooth->pn.LAP/pn.UAP:

    ubertooth->pn.LAP = strtol("2AD438", &end, 16);
    ubertooth->pn.UAP = strtol("76", &end, 16);

You can find the BD_ADDR of the host machine by running on the host device (may require installing BlueZ, libbluetooth):
$ hcitool dev

The output will look something like:
            hci0    00:11:76:2A:D4:38

The LAP is the last 3 bytes of the address. The UAP is the 4th last byte. The top 2 bytes are the NAP, which you don't need. With the UAP/LAP, edit those lines of code (in hex, but exclude the 0x) and rebuild the plugin.

To rebuild plugin-ubertooth for Kismet, go to Kismet install directory:
$ make && make plugins && sudo make suidinstall && sudo make plugins-install

For good measure, you can also "clean" the Kismet-Ubertooth plugin directory:
$ rm *.o *.so

If you have issues, try resetting the Ubertooth:
$ sudo ubertooth-util -r

To run Kismet:
$ sudo kismet

Enable the ubertooth plugin and you will be able to monitor the server console for detected devices and piconets.

Then run wireshark and load up the pcapbtbb file (saved to the directory from which you are running kismet) to examine the Bluetooth packets!

Debug statements specific to project:
printf("6858 debug - <DEBUG COMMENT>\n");