The Density Functional Theory for Electrolyte Solutions
The Density Functional Theory for Electrolyte Solutions
For an electrolyte solution close to a charged surface with temperature , total volume , and chemical potential of each species specified, the grand potential, , is written as
where $\rho_i(\boldsymbol{r})$ is the local density of the component i, $\psi(\boldsymbol{r})$ is the local electrostatic potential, and $V^\text{ext}_{i}$ is the external potential. The volume of the system is V and $\partial V$ is the boundary of the system.
The ideal-gas contribution $F^\text{id}$ is given by the exact expression
where is the Boltzmann constant, is the absolute temperature, and is the well-known thermal de Broglie wavelength of each ion.
The Coulomb's free-energy is obtained by the addition of the electric field energy density and the minimal-coupling of the interaction between the electrostatic potential and the charge density , and it can be written as
where $F^{\textrm{hs}}$ is the hard-sphere excess contribution and $F^{\textrm{ec}}$ is the electrostatic correlation excess contribution.
The hard-sphere contribution, $F^{\textrm{hs}}$, represents the hard-sphere exclusion volume correlation and it can be described using different formulations of the fundamental measure theory (FMT) as
Finally, The chemical potential for each ionic species is defined as $\mu_i = \mu_i^\text{id} + \mu_i^\text{exc}$, where superscripts id and exc refer to ideal and excess contributions, respectively.
The thermodynamic equilibrium is obtained by the minimum of the grand-potential, $\Omega$, which can be obtained by the functional derivatives, such that, the equilibrium condition for each charged component is given by
valid on the boundary surface $\partial V$, where $\boldsymbol{\hat{n}}(\boldsymbol{r})$ is denoting the vector normal to the surface pointing inward to the system.
Fig.1 - The ionic density profiles of an 1:1 electrolyte solution with c_+= 0.01 M and σ = -0.5C/m².
Fig.2 - The electrostatic potential profile of an 1:1 electrolyte solution with c_+= 0.01 M and σ = -0.5C/m².
Fig.3 - The ionic density profiles of an 1:1 electrolyte solution with c_+= 1.0 M and σ = -0.5C/m².
Fig.4 - The electrostatic potential profile of an 1:1 electrolyte solution with c_+= 1.0 M and σ = -0.5C/m².