##General info
This is a water traking app for indoor house plants. User able to seach the plants by the plants name or by picture of suggesting plants. Once the user found their plant, the app will allow user to add it into their collection of plants.
Start by installing front and backend dependencies. While in this directory, run the following command:
npm install
This should install node modules within the server and the client folder.
After both installations complete, run the following command in your terminal:
npm start
Your app should now be running on http://localhost:3000. The Express server should intercept any AJAX requests from the client.
npm run start
Project is created with:
- JavaScript
- Mongodb
- Express.js
- React.js
- Node.js
- moment.js
####React Router Pass props to Component
When user click on the card Discovery Main page, the a link href address match the APP.js route and pass along the props to DisvoceryListItemsPage
<Card as="a" href="/easy-to-grow"
style={{ margin: "auto" }}>
On APP.js
<Route exact path={"/easy-to-grow"}
component={() => <DiscoverListItemsPage category={"easy-to-grow"} />} />
On DiscoverListItemsPages pass the props category, DiscoverListItemsPages make api call to server and setState for plants data
getPlants = () => {
.then(res =>
plants: res.data
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Pass the plants data to ListItems Component
id={plant._id} />
####React Router Pass Param to Component
On APP.js set path to "/:plantName" for any variable that match the route and render DetailPlant component
<Route path={"/:plantName"} component={DetailPlant} />
On listItems component button add a link path with the plant id, when user click on the button, it pass the prop.id to APP.js and render the DetailPlant page
<Link className="text-white" to={"/" + props.id}>
See detail
On PlantDetail page, we access the "/:plantName" props.id by this.props.match.params.plantName
getPlantsbyID = () => {
.then(res => {
// res.data is an array of plants
// this should only have 1 plant because we are
// querying by name
if (res.data.length > 0) {
// only get the first plant and keep it
plant: res.data[0]
.catch(err => console.log(err));
🏠 Homepage
- Github: @elvykiung, @Jing, @Viktoryia, @karmitage
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