
Get trip data from Citibike website with nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CitibikeTrips.js RETIRED

A node.js module to scrape your personal trip data from the CitiBike website.

UPDATE: this code is retired and kept as reference. All of this code broke when Citibike switched backend to motivate, resulting in completely new website html source and apis. Perhaps this code is useful for another bike sharing program. It also serves as an interesting example of logging into a website and maintaining session.


TODO this has not been released to NPM yet

git clone https://github.com/elwarren/citibiketrips.git
npm install


You'll need to provide your username and password to the http://citibikenyc.com

Example config:

  "debug": 0,
  "citibikenyc": {
    "user": "yourusername",
    "pass": "yourpassword"

Example code:

var config = require('etc/config.json');
var CitibikeTrips = require('CitibikeTrips');
var bt = CitibikeTrips({config});

bt.getLastTrip(function(trip) {
  // return single json object of most recent trip

bt.getRecentTrips(function(trips) {
  // return json of this month's trips 

bt.getAllTrips(function(trips) {
  // iterate over all history pages and return hash of complete history

Example output:

  "startStationId": 212,
  "startTimestamp": 1406850546,
  "endStationId": 512,
  "endTimestamp": 1406851284,
  "durationSeconds": 738,
  "id": 13204503,
  "endDate": "2014-08-01T00:01:24.000Z",
  "startDate": "2014-07-31T23:49:06.000Z",
  "durationMins": 12,
  "nowSecs": 3600,
  "nowMins": 60,
  "isOpen": false

See Also

Example code in bin directory.

My collection of tools at https://github.com/elwarren/citibiketools.git is available seperately to avoid updates to this package.


Special thanks to the Citibike program operated by NYC Bike Share. I ride these bikes everyday, sometimes 3-4 trips in a single day.

Please do not abuse their servers with excessive polling. I've read the Citibike TOS http://www.citibikenyc.com/assets/pdf/terms-of-use.pdf and it appears to be OK to do this for personal use.