
Assignment to build squawker in Django

Primary LanguagePython

Squawker (Django)

In this assignment, you will rebuild Squawker in Django.


  • Passes all of the following on Travis CI:
    • The homepage (/) contains:
      • A single form, to post a new squawk (5%)
      • All past squawks (20%)
        • Sorted from newest to oldest (10%)
    • Submitting the form:
      1. Creates a new squawk (20%)
      2. Shows / takes the user back to the homepage (5%)
        • In other words, they should see the updated homepage with the new squawk.
    • Squawks are limited to 140 characters
      • Client-side (5%)
        • Uses HTML5 form validation
      • Server-side (10%)
        • Responds with a status code of 400 if the form is submitted with invalid data.
    • Passes Code Climate checks (5%)
  • Works without JavaScript
  • Deployed to Heroku at <NETID>-squawker.herokuapp.com (20%)

Visual styling is not considered as part of the score, though feel free to get creative! In other words, feel free to make your site pretty, but not a problem if it isn't.

Extra credit

  • Pagination (10%)
    • The squawks are shown 20 at a time
    • There's a Next link to see older squawks, if there are any


  1. You will need to set up the project dependencies yourself. Add the following to your requirements.txt:

  2. You will set up Django project in your copy of this repository yourself. The easiest way to do this is to run the following from this directory:

    django-admin startproject squawker .
  3. If your project is named something other than squawker, you will need to modify the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE value in pytest.ini to match.

  4. Run Django with the following from within your virtual machine:

    python3 manage.py runserver

Deploying to Heroku

Support PostgreSQL

Django will use SQLite3 as it's database by default, but you'll use PostgreSQL ("Postgres") on Heroku. To make the switch:

  1. Install the system-level dependencies.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
  2. Add the following to your requirements.txt file:

  3. Install the Python dependencies.

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. In your <project>/settings.py file:

    # add this near the top
    import dj_database_url
    # replace the DATABASES config
        "default": dj_database_url.config(default='sqlite:///db.sqlite3'),

Specify Python version


Additional setup

  1. Create a directory for static files inside the Django project directory.

    mkdir -p <project>/static
    touch <project>/static/.keep
  2. Follow steps in Heroku documentation.

    • Skip the database connection parts, since we covered those already.
  3. Commit all changes.

Running tests locally

Run the following from this directory:

# run the pytests
pytest --tb short
# run the pep8 checks
# check the extra credit
pytest --tb short --runxfail

Code Climate checks

To run locally, see the instructions.