
zipkin-tracer ruby gem

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ZipkinTracer: Zipkin client for Ruby

Build Status

Rack and Faraday integration middlewares for Zipkin tracing.


Sending traces on incoming requests

Options can be provided via Rails.config for a Rails 3+ app, or can be passed as a hash argument to the Rack plugin.

require 'zipkin-tracer'
use ZipkinTracer::RackHandler, config # config is optional

where Rails.config.zipkin_tracer or config is a hash that can contain the following keys:

  • :service_name REQUIRED - the name of the service being traced. There are two ways to configure this value. Either write the service name in the config file or set the "DOMAIN" environment variable (e.g. 'test-service.example.com' or 'test-service'). The environment variable takes precedence over the config file value.
  • :service_port REQUIRED - the port of the service being traced (e.g. 80 or 443)
  • :sample_rate (default: 0.1) - the ratio of requests to sample, from 0 to 1
  • :json_api_host - hostname with protocol of a zipkin api instance (e.g. https://zipkin.example.com) to use the JSON tracer
  • :zookeeper - the address of the zookeeper server to use by the Kafka tracer
  • :log_tracing - Set to true to log all traces. Only used if traces are not sent to the API or Kafka.
  • :annotate_plugin - plugin function which receives the Rack env, the response status, headers, and body to record annotations
  • :filter_plugin - plugin function which receives the Rack env and will skip tracing if it returns false
  • :whitelist_plugin - plugin function which receives the Rack env and will force sampling if it returns true
  • :sampled_as_boolean - When set to true (default but deprecrated), it uses true/false for the X-B3-Sampled header. When set to false uses 1/0 which is preferred.
  • :record_on_server_receive - a CSV style list of tags to record on server receive, even if the zipkin headers were present in the incoming request. Currently only supports the value http.path, others being discarded.

Sending traces on outgoing requests with Faraday

First, Faraday has to be part of your Gemfile:

gem 'faraday', '~> 0.8'

For the Faraday middleware to have the correct trace ID, the rack middleware should be used in your application as explained above.

Then include ZipkinTracer::FaradayHandler as a Faraday middleware:

require 'faraday'
require 'zipkin-tracer'

conn = Faraday.new(:url => 'http://localhost:9292/') do |faraday|
  faraday.use ZipkinTracer::FaradayHandler, 'service_name' # 'service_name' is optional (but recommended)
  # default Faraday stack
  faraday.request :url_encoded
  faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter

Note that supplying the service name for the destination service is optional; the tracing will default to a service name derived from the first section of the destination URL (e.g. 'service.example.com' => 'service').

Local tracing

ZipkinTracer::TraceClient provides an API to record local traces in your application. It can be used to measure the performance of process, record value of variables, and so on.

When local_component_span method is called, it creates a new span and a local component, and provides the following methods to create annotations.

  • record(key) - annotation
  • record_tag(key, value) - binary annotation


ZipkinTracer::TraceClient.local_component_span('DB process') do |ztc|
  ztc.record 'Create users'
  ztc.record_tag 'number', '1000'

  # create 1000 users


Only one of the following tracers can be used at a given time.


Sends traces as JSON over HTTP. This is the preferred tracer to use as the openzipkin project moves away from Thrift.

You need to specify the :json_api_host parameter to wherever your zipkin collector is running. It will POST traces to the /api/v1/spans path.


Uses Kafka as the transport.

If in the config :zookeeper is set, then the gem will use Kafka via Hermann; you will need the hermann gem (~> 0.27.0) installed, as it is not part of zipkin-tracer's gemspec.

Alternatively, you may provide a :producer option in the config; this producer should accept #push() with a message and optional :topic. If the value returned responds to #value!, it will be called (to block until completed).

Caveat: Hermann is only usable from within Jruby, due to its implementation of zookeeper based broker discovery being JVM based.


The simplest tracer that does something. It will log all your spans. This tracer can be used for debugging purpose (to see what is going to be sent) or to deliver zipkin information into the logs for later retrieval and analysis.

You need to set :log_tracing to true in the configuration.


If the configuration does not provide either a JSON, Zookeeper or Scribe server then the middlewares will not attempt to send traces although they will still generate proper IDs and pass them to other services.

Thus, if you only want to generate IDs for instance for logging and do not intent to integrate with Zipkin you can still use this gem. Just do not specify any server :)



The annotate plugin expects a function of the form:

lambda { |span, env, status, response_headers, response_body| ... }

The annotate plugin is expected to perform annotation based on content of the Rack environment and the response components.

Warning: Access to the response body may cause problems if the response is being streamed, in general this should be avoided. See the Rack specification for more detail and instructions for properly hijacking responses.

The return value is ignored.

For example:

lambda do |span, env, status, response_headers, response_body|
  ep = ::Trace.default_endpoint
  # string annotation
  span.record_tag('http.referrer', env['HTTP_REFERRER'])
  # integer annotation
  span.record_tag('http.content_size', [env['CONTENT_SIZE']].pack('N'), Trace::BinaryAnnotation::Type::I32, ep)
  span.record_tag('http.status', [status.to_i].pack('n'), Trace::BinaryAnnotation::Type::I16, ep)


The filter plugin expects a function of the form:

lambda { |env| ... }

The filter plugin allows skipping tracing if the return value is false.

For example:

# don't trace /static/ URIs
lambda { |env| env['PATH_INFO'] !~ /^\/static\// }


The whitelist plugin expects a function of the form:

lambda { |env| ... }

The whitelist plugin allows forcing sampling if the return value is true.

For example:

# sample if request header specifies known device identifier
lambda { |env| KNOWN_DEVICES.include?(env['HTTP_X_DEVICE_ID']) }


This project uses Rspec. Make sure your PRs contain proper tests. We have two rake tasks to help finding performance issues:

rake benchmark

Will run a benchmark testing all the different tracers and giving you their relative speed.

rake run_once

Will run the rack middleware, optionally the faraday middleware. Please modify the code to run the middleware you want to test. The best way to use this rake test is together with rbtrace. First run the task in background:

rake run_once &

Take note of the PID that displays in your terminal and run:

rbtrace -p PID -f

It will print out the methods used and the time each took.