
upload a folder of videos to youtube in a single command

Primary LanguagePython

Youtube Uploader


This program allows you to upload a whole folder to youtube with a single command.

Some string coloring are used so it may prints strange characters on non POSIX shells.


  1. You should be somewhat familiar with youtube (or google) API and know how to create a token.

  2. call the script python upload_folder.py with or without arguments

    if no argument is provided, it will use the current folder as the playlist name.

    possible arguments are :

    -d or --directory: absolute path to the directory

    -p or --playlist: the already existing playlist_id you want to use. The playlist id is simply the URL of the playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=THIS_IS_THE_PLAYLIST_ID

  3. The script will search for mkv videos in the directory. (next feature : all valid formats). It will also look for a file named description.txt. If found, its content will be added to the youtube video description.

  4. It will ask confirmation, to avoid basic mistakes, showing you the list of videos from the folder.

  5. A second confirmation will ask you if you want to filter the videos. If you say yes, you will be able to select which video you want to upload specifically.

  6. Videos will be uploaded in their name order.

  7. Some confirmations are printed, showing you what happened.

I made an alias ytu which activate my virtual environment and start the script with all passed parameters.

$  ytu -d /my/video/folder -p MYplaylistID

French description, mostly for me

Uploader un dossier complet et créer une playlist directement bien rangée avec mes paramètres par défaut


  1. cd dans le dossier contenant les vidéos.
    • Le nom du dossier est celui de la playlist
    • Un fichier description.txt peut-être rempli, il servira de description pour toutes les vidéos et la playlist
    • chaque vidéo (.mkv) du dossier sera uploadée
  2. Lancer le script .sh sans paramètre (un alias est crée)

Paramètres à définir

  • title: string
  • description: string
  • audience: not made for kids
  • catégorie: 27 (éducation)
  • comments: disabled IMPOSSIBLE
  • users can view ratings: NO
  • allow embending: NO


  • connect
  • retrieve
  • upload
  • upload with full description -- impossible de bloquer les comments
  • upload batch to playlist
    • create playlist
    • upload whole folder
    • add each video to playlist
  • organiser le tout dans un beau truc
  • tester
  • multiples fortmats de videos, pas seulement mkv
  • détecter si les couleurs passent avant d'en mettre partout


video category list gfg upload