elyasse4's Stars
Download videos from tiktok and post in: facebook page youtube shorts instagram reels twitter tiktok
This Project has been developed my me & my friend Veer for our Second Year Python Project. It uses Tkinter Module for GUI and MySQLDb for database connectivity.
Free youtube video uploader with no limits
Secret messages website based on PHP
This is a Piece of code that fetches news using an API and Converts it into a NEWS video
This is a Piece of code that fetches news using an API and Converts it into a NEWS video
Application for automating a YouTube channel.
This is a piece of code that downloads videos from instagram, compiles them and uploads that compiled video on YouTube
This is project designed for downloading an youtube video and then cut according to a certain time and then posting in your youtube channel
upload a folder of videos to youtube in a single command
It is a piece of code that downloads videos from instagram, stiches them(compiles them) and uploads that compiled video on YouTube
Auto download all videos of some youtube channel and crop it into parts of 40 s to post them to the tik tok
A simple program to automate the production of videos for a news channel on youtube.
Auto-generate a "text to speech" video montage of subreddit posts and auto-upload to your YouTube channel. Run in a loop for full automation. Written in python, uses Reddit api and YouTube api.
You would have noticed alot of channel getting popular on YouTube just by uploading “Reddit to Text-To-Speech” YouTube Videos. So I decided to create a program that can automate the process of receiving, generating and uploading these videos to YouTube with as little intervention as possible. It took me one month to complete this project. I divided the project to 3 scripts. The idea was to minimize as much manual intervention as possible and automate all the trivial tasks. However the process cannot be 100% automated. For example comments with links in them cannot be kept as quality of the video will be comprised due to the TTS. Additionally while a comment might have a large number of votes it could potentially be offensive and not safe for a YouTube video and thus must be removed. The thumbnail, while partially generated, must be edited in order to create any kind of appeal to viewers to click on your video. The same goes for the title of the video which must be clickbait-y in order to receive any attention. I have attempted to streamline the manual process with the client program and it takes me approximately 30 minutes to create 6 videos (the max that can be uploaded within 24 hours with the YouTube Data API).
Compile titkok videos to upload on Youtube
Tik Tok FLP is a Perfect CPA landing page coded in HTML, PHP, JS, and CSS, provided free of charge by Re-skinning Group
A Python script that collects memes from Reddit and compiles them into a video and upload them to Youtube
A system of bots that collects clips automatically via custom made filters, lets you easily browse these clips, and puts them together into a compilation video ready to be uploaded straight to any social media platform. Full VPS support is provided, along with an accounts system so multiple users can use the bot at once. This bot is split up into three separate programs. The server. The client. The video generator. These programs perform different functions that when combined creates a very powerful system for auto generating compilation videos.
Automatically inserts the <!--nextpage--> Quicktag into WordPress posts, pages, or custom post type content.
Divide / Split your WordPress Blog visitors into 4 links by using Re-skinning URL splitter
Google chrome extension : Sort the Applications of the Google play store apparently by title, publisher or price
ASO Google Play Helper tool, it's a tool to simplify and helping in ASO and analyzing Android apps in google play and provide information that's not showing on google play app page. Honorable Mention Re-skinning
Android Five Stars Library is a small library that helps developers add a "Rate My App" dialog to their applications.
FaceBook Instant Game - BAM Quiz
Let's Calculate love with real data. Love Calculator by Mohammed Cha