

  • [done] quick start new oak project
  • [done] MVC-like but don't use orm because orm not a enough stable now
  • [done] django-apps-like each project is a collection of apps and each app have standard structure
    (see convention section for more info)
  • [done] respect DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) approache as possible
  • [done] code written in typescript for deno runtime
  • [done] no magic, no experiment typescript feature, just regular typescript code
  • [done] functional orientented programing, avoid class usage as possible
  • [done] generate some codes : new app ,new controller ...
    (see structure conventions section and cli.ts convention section for more info)
  • [done] work in group, since we have clear structure
  • [planned] template extends from this for working with mysql (without orm)
  • [planned] template extends from this for working with sqlite (without orm)
  • [planned] template extends from this for working with pg (without orm)
  • [planned] template extends from this for working with mongodb (without orm)

 I think is better to work with template for a specicific database than template that work for all database, for several raisons : 
  some deno api not yet stable 
  some of db drivers not yet stable 
  deno orm not yet stable </br>
  is more easy to get help (when blocking) for specific database than orm 

this reamme need update

this project still in dev
internal template need update for sync output for cli.ts with existing code in app-auth and app-todo
when finish oak-mysql-project-template, I can update this repository

how to use ?

clone the repo

run the command

open the url in your browser

congratultion you will see hello word

for advanced usage continue reading this readme

structure conventions

  • project is composed from multipl app, for example app-auth , app-todo,...
  • each app is ts module
  • each app have the following structure
├── config
│   ├── cli.ts
│   └── readme.md
├── controller
│   └── indexController.ts
├── deps
│   ├── deps.md
│   ├── deps.ts
│   └── readme.md
├── mod.ts
└── routes.ts
  • each project have the following structure
├── app-example
├── app.ts
├── cli.ts
├── config
├── deps
├── dev-templates
├── libs
├── middlwares
├── README.md
├── server
├── tests
└── _todo.txt

middlwres conventions

  • middlware code will be writen in middlwares folder
  • middlweare to used befor each route will registered in server/add-middlares-befor.ts
  • middlweare to used befor each route will registered in server/add-middlwares-after.ts

cli.ts convention

  • help commande is :

    deno run --allow-all cli.ts
    this print all available commandes

  • command not supported will "redirect" to help command

  • all most commands have this syntax

    deno run --allow-all --unstable cli.ts  {taskName}

    where {taskName} is string and you have folder in cli directory named {taskName}
    and have the follwing structure<br>

    ├── {taskName}
    |  ├── args.t
    |  ├── fn.ts
    |  ├── run.ts
    |  └── views

    fn.ts file contain a function fn that handle the command 
    deno run --allow-all --unstable cli.ts {taskName} 
    fn receive arg import from args.ts <br> args.ts
    contain args and inteface for this args 
    view can contain template for generating some code 
    {taskName} can be egale to gApp for generating oak app
    {taskName} can be egale to gController for generating oak controller in some app 
  • example of cli command :
    deno run --allow-all --unstable cli.ts  gApp
  will create new app named app-foo who have the default structure mention above <br>
  if you want to create app named todo and his routes prefixed by "/todo" <br>
  open cli/gApp/args.ts in your IDE
  replace those lines 
    const aArg:IgApp = { appName:"foo" }
    const aArg:IgApp = { appName:"todo"} 
  and run this command
    deno run --allow-all --unstable cli.ts  gApp
 <b> as you can see, the command don't change, all cli.ts command are static <b>
  • you can add your own custom command for example for create tables, init them ...


  • Q: supported deno version ?
  • R: > 1.13.0

  • Q: why --unstable flag in the cli ?
  • R: I use std/fs for copy past some directory, this module is'nt stable now.


all feedback are welcome, in english or in french I prefer

oak-project-template dependecies


  • deno
  • oak
  • std/flag


  • nunjucks
  • std/fs

Change logs

this read me need update