Library that enables TextView of ImageView to show loading animation while waiting for the text and image get loaded
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- 1
WebView Support
#30 opened by isubham - 3
- 1
Loader not working with text alignment
#27 opened by kristijandraca-xx - 1
Width Weight not support RTL
#23 opened by salahamassi - 1
how it does work with recyclerview subitem,I have set the related setting according to document,but it dose not work,it will show empty view before the requested data return
#25 opened by kyriej - 2
Custom loading shimmer color
#20 opened by wrozwad - 1
LoaderImageView leaks memory
#21 opened by passiondroid - 1
Remove fade when set text
#18 opened by wyllyamjesus-hotmart - 1
Shimmer on editText
#17 opened by francescogatto - 1
Support of custom views
#15 opened by bartoszostrowski - 2
Use case in recyclerview
#14 opened by ClaudeHangui - 2
Memory leak
#16 opened by zhangzhichaolove - 1
Use AppCompat views
#10 opened by danielsanfr - 2
- 1
It can be used in a dynamic ListView Item Adapter ? This effect will be appear ?
#8 opened by amineghabi - 3
demo error!!!
#5 opened by zx98cv12 - 3
- 2
#3 opened by s3hengwu - 2
Error:(5, 5) No resource found that matches the given name (at 'android:actionModeCloseDrawable' with value '@drawable/abc_ic_ab_back_mtrl_am_alpha').
#2 opened by suman-tms - 0
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