
CakePHP plugin to use hashids for your database table lookups

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Hashid Plugin for CakePHP

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Exposes hashids as drop-in replacement for your numeric primary keys.

A CakePHP 3.x plugin to

  • cloak the actual numeric primary key behind the record (assuming you use a non public salt) for URLs, APIs and alike
  • build short unique IDs (Even PHP_INT_MAX 2.147.483.647 becomes lXQAALg for example, so length <= 7 for the hashid)

Why hashids:

  • They are super short, especially for the URL
  • They are lightweight and fast. They work on the fly and require no table fields, no code changes. No overhead involved except for enabling the behavior.
  • You do not lose sorting capability as with UUIDs.
  • You can use hashids if you do not want to expose your database ids to the user - while not compromising speed - as a balance trait-off.

Why not UUIDS?

  • UUIDs can be up to 200x slower with growing DB tables, complex or heavy joins and especially with CakePHP default char(36). But even with the recommended binary(16) it would not be ideal.
  • UUIDS often times completely replace the primary key, making it impossible to sort anymore on those records. This is especially problematic with data that gets inserted at the same time (same datetime for created).
  • UUIDS are often used to just cloak the numeric primary keys visibility of how much gets inserted over time. But that is not what they should be used for. If you want to synch data across DBs, then they are useful. But they should not be abused for other things.


See http://sandbox.dereuromark.de/sandbox/hashids


composer require dereuromark/cakephp-hashid


bin/cake plugin load Hashid

Drop-in Replacement Usage

If we want to just replace the numeric ids with hashids, we can use the default config.

// Adding the behavior in your Table initialize()
$this->addBehavior('Hashid.Hashid', ['recursive' => true, ...]);

// Saving a new record
$postData = [
	'username' => 'Hallo'
$user = $this->Users->newEntity($postData);

The user entity now contains a hashid in the primary key field (usually id). The same would happen on each find().

In our ctp file we can now keep all links as they were before:

// $id contains 'jR' instead of 1
echo $this->Html->link(['action' => 'view', $user->id]);

URL /users/view/1 becomes /users/view/jR. And in debug mode (on your local computer probably) /users/view/1 becomes /users/view/jR-1.

In our UsersController, we now check with this hashid instead behind the scenes:

 * @param string|null $id
public function view($id = null) {
	$user = $this->Users->get($id);

Et voila. Activated easily and without changing any existing code.

You can also use any find() method, just as you normally would:

$user = $this->Users->find()->where(['id' => $id])->firstOrFail();

If you re-save the entity, it will just use the primary key again internally, so it's safe to modify and perist entity data.

Semi-automatic Usage

We can also use a separate field for the hashid:

$this->addBehavior('Hashid.Hashid', ['field' => 'hashid']);

// Lookups with hashids
$user = $this->Users->find('hashed', [HashidBehavior::HID => $hashid])->first();

// But also all normal find()/get() would contain the hashid in the entity
$user = $this-User->get($id);

// Output in your ctp
echo $this->Html->link(['action' => 'view', $user->hashid]);

Helper Usage

If you stick to the non-field way and you want to rather encode on demand in your view, you can use the helper to encode your IDs:

// You must load the helper before
$this->loadHelper('Hashid.Hashid', $optionalConfigArray);

// In our ctp file we can now link to the hashed version
$hashid = $this->Hashid->encodeId($user->id);
echo $this->Html->link(['action' => 'view', $hashid]);

Manual usage

Of course you can also encode and decode manually:

$this->addBehavior('Hashid.Hashid', ['field' => 'hid']);

// 1 => 'jR'
$hid = $this->Users->encodeId($id);

// 'jR' => 1
$id = $this->Users->decodeHashid($hid);

// Or if you got an entity
$hid = $user->hid;


When using atomatic operations, you will have to manually encode/decode the ids, because here no behavior callbacks are currently possible to intercept.

My tip would be to dynamically wrap each of those method calls in the model layer, so if you at anytime remove or modify the behavior, the code will still work:

$id = $yourEntity->id;
if ($this->hasBehavior('Hashid')) {
	$id = $this->decodeHashid($id);
return $this->updateAll([...], ['id' => $id]);

Trait Usage

The trait is the key component holding the actual de- and encoding functionality. You can put it on top of any class that needs hashid support:

use Hashid\Model\HashidTrait;

class FooBar {

	use HashidTrait;


Now you got the encodeId() and decodeHashid() methods from above at your disposal.

Additional Configuration

You can provide global configs via Configure and your own app.php:

'Hashid' => [
	'salt' => 'Your own salt string' // This is important

You can set 'salt' to true - this way it uses your current Configure salt (not recommended). If you do not provide a salt it is very easy to retrieve the original numeric id from your hashid.

Further config options are:

  • debug: Defaults to current Configure value, in debug mode it will append the numeric id (jR-1) for easier debugging.
  • field: Field name to populate with hashids upon save() and find(), defaults to null (= primary key).
  • recursive: If you want also associated fetched entities' ids hashid'd, defaults to false.
  • findFirst: Set to true if you want each find('hashed') to return the ->first() result, or to firstOrFail to fail if none can be found. Defaults to null (= disabled).

SEO Notice

If you use this for building your URLS and if those are indexed (no noindex meta tag), you should be careful about changing the salt in production. Changing the salt changes the hashids generated and thus also the URL. In that case you get 404s for the old URLs, often times losing traffic and SEO juice. You would want to store all old hashids together with their ids in a table for a 301 redirect lookup.

Security Notice

Do you have a question or comment that involves "security" and "hashids" in the same sentence? Don't use Hashids.

This sentence on the hashids documentation says it all: This is to cloak the IDs, but it is not a real secure encryption algorithm.
