
FV3GFS Fortran for internal development at Vulcan

Primary LanguageFortranOtherNOASSERTION


Repository Structure

This repository structure corresponds loosely to the top-level structure of the UFS, but with many submodules replaced by subtrees for convenience. See this description of the submodule hierarchy of the UFS. This table shows the canonical upstream repositories associated with different subtrees of this repository:

.                          # ~ https://github.com/ufs-community/ufs-weather-model
├── FMS                    # https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/FMS
├── FV3                    # https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/fv3atm
│   ├── atmos_cubed_sphere # https://github.com/NOAA-GFDL/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere
│   └── ccpp
│       ├── framework      # https://github.com/NCAR/ccpp-framework
│       └── physics        # https://github.com/NCAR/ccpp-physics
├── serialbox              # https://github.com/GridTools/serialbox
└── stochastic_physics     # https://github.com/noaa-psd/stochastic_physics

In some cases these are actual submodules, and in other cases they are subtrees.

How to run fv3gfs via a docker image

Don't forget to load the submodules in your local copy of the source, i.e.

cd fv3gfs-fortran
git submodule update --init --recursive

Step 1: Create Docker image

Different docker images are used to build the environment and compile this model. For development purposes, the software environment is useful, but for running the model it is most convenient that the docker image contains the built FV3 model. Both of these images can be built using the following command:

make build

This will make a fv3gfs-compiled:gnu7-mpich314-nocuda image with a compiled model executable that can be used for production simuliations. Other tag names and compile options can be set. For example, to build a debugging executable in a docker image:

make build_debug

Rules are provided for certain compile options. Check the Makefile for a list or simply type make help.

Step 2: Install fv3config

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

will download required dependencies for running tests and using fv3config. You can also manually install the fv3config package.

In order to use run_docker.sh below, you will also need to set the fv3config cache directory using

export FV3CONFIG_CACHE_DIR=<location>

This should be added to your ~/.bashrc. If you do not set your cache directory, a default location will be used. You can use the command

python -c 'import fv3config; print(fv3config.get_cache_dir())'

to find out the default location.

Step 3: Create run directory

Create or download an fv3config yaml configuration. Edit the configuration as needed. Examples of such configurations are included in the tests under tests/pytest/config.

Once you have a configuration file, e.g. example/config.yml, you can write a run directory in python using:

import fv3config
import yaml
config = yaml.safe_load(open('example/config.yml', 'r'))
fv3config.write_run_directory(config, 'rundir')

This example is included in example/create_rundir.py.

You also must put a submit_job.sh script in the run directory. You can copy the one included in this repository.

cp example/submit_job.sh rundir/

Optionally edit rundir/input.nml and rundir/diag_table to modify the namelist used for your run and the set of diagnostics the model will output. Ideally this should be done instead by editing the config.yml we used earlier.

Step 4: Run the model

bash run_docker.sh us.gcr.io/vcm-ml/fv3gfs-compiled:latest <rundir> $FV3CONFIG_CACHE_DIR

where <rundir> is an absolute path to the run directory.

Developing the model

The fv3gfs-environment docker image is useful for development purposes where the model code will be recompiled repeatedly in an interactive fashion. To start a bash shell in a docker container with the FV3 source tree mounted at /FV3, run the command:

make enter

If necessary, this will build the image, but it will overwrite the compiled sources with a bind mount to your host filesystem. You will need to compile the model with the filesystem bind-mounted in this way. Once in the container, you can compile the model using the commands

To compile the model and generate an executable you can use the commands

cd /FV3
./configure gnu_docker
make clean
make -j8

Testing the model

Tests are included in the tests subdirectory. You can see which ones run in continuous integration by inspecting .circleci/config.yml.

Regression tests which check the bit-reproducibility of results are performed for a set of reference configurations included in tests/pytest/config. Please read the README in tests/pytest for more information about these regression tests and how to update the reference checksums.


The model can be compiled for the generation of serialize data which can be used for unit-testing individual components of the model. For more information see the documentation here.

To build a docker image for serialization use the command

make build_serialize

which will create an image where the source files have been pre-processed for serialization. Similarly to default compilation, you can interactively develop for serialization using the command

make enter_serialize

Make sure to set the GT4PY_DEV flag for compilation. The original FV3 sources will be mounted to /FV3/original. To compile the model for serialization inside the container, you can use the commands

cd /FV3
make clean
make -C original serialize_preprocess
make -j8

If you need to be able to see the preprocessed atmos_cubed_sphere sources on your host filesystem, you can do that with:

OTHER_MOUNTS="-v <local dir>:/FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere" make enter_serialize

Where <local_dir> is replaced with the directory on your host filesystem where you want to see the preprocessed sources.

This workflow does not support viewing preprocessed sources in the root /FV3 directory on the host filesystem, because /FV3 has a bind-mounted subdirectory original and it is not possible to contain a bind-mounted subdirectory in a separately bind-mounted directory. You could see these sources by setting SERIALBOX_OUTDIR to a different directory (it is /FV3 by default) that you have bind-mounted in to the container.

Docker BuildKit

If you are using a version of docker that supports it, you can enable buildkit by setting DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 as an environment variable. This can be useful when building docker targets in this repo, because it will avoid building mulit-stage targets that are not required for the final image.


FV3 can also be installed using the nix package manager. This package manager is available on Mac and Linux, and provides a light weight means to distribute isolated software environments.


To begin, install nix following these instructions.

(optional) We host binaries using a tool called cachix, and this will greatly speed up any builds. To use our binaries, install cachix and then run

cachix use vulcanclimatemodeling

Finally, you can build the model like this

nix-build -A fv3

Without using the cachix cache, FV3 and all its dependencies will need to build from source (~20 minutes). This only happens once per machine, but it is slow.

Running simple tests

Now you can enter a shell with fv3 and all its dependencies installed by running

nix-shell tests.nix

This will download all the dependencies from the internet, building any uncached packages from scratch.

Then, you can run a simple test by running



To develop the model, you can use the environment specified in shell.nix by running


Then copy the nix build configuration file to the magic location harcoded in the FV3 makefiles:

cp -f nix/fv3/configure.fv3 FV3/conf/

And build the model

cd FV3