
ReactJS component for displaying a circular progress meter.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An ReactJS component for displaying a circular progress meter. This is a fork of the AngularJS equivalent.


  • Displays a circular progress meter.
  • Utilises SVG for rendering.
  • Adjustable dimensions, color and thickness.
  • No additional dependencies outside of React.


You can add the plugin by adding react-progress-arc-x.x.x.js to your project.


Include the script in your application. Add a ProgressArc element where needed.

React.createElement(ProgressArc, {
    size: {integer},
    stroke: {string},
    strokeWidth: {integer},
    complete: {expression},
    counterClockwise: {string},
    background: {string}


  • size defines the pixel width and height for the svg element. This defaults to 100.
  • stroke defines the color of the progress arc. This should be a valid stroke property for an SVG circle element. This defaults to white.
  • stroke-width defines the width of the progress arc line in pixels. This should be a value between 1 and size / 2. This defaults to 10.
  • complete is an expression that should evaluate to a float value between 0.0 and 1.0; where 0.0 is an empty progress arc, and 1.0 is a full ring.
  • counter-clockwise is a boolean value that will render the progress arc in a counter-clockwise direction. Any value Javascript would recognise as true will be treated as such, with the exception of the literal string false which will be treated as a boolean false.
  • background defines the color of the ring background. If not defined, no background is rendered.


As well as using attributes of the directive element, a progress arc can be styled using CSS.

// Use a more complex selector in your application to avoid styling other SVG elements.
circle {
    stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    stroke-linecap: round;

The stroke-dashoffset property is used to render the position of the progress arc, so adding a transition for this property will result in smoother transitions between progress values.

circle {
    transition: stroke-dashoffset 0.1s linear;

If you use CSS for styling, avoid setting the following properties that are used to calculate the progress arc position:

  • stroke-width
  • stroke-dasharray
  • stroke-dashoffset


For the current version you can't use an external function, but you have to change the corresponding values in the getDefaultProps. Maybe somebody knows how to change the default props with an external function.


react-progress-arc is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.