
Ecommerce Website selling electronics

Primary LanguageHTML


E-commerce website in PHP - backend

E-commerce Website in OOP Php, Bootstrap, Owl carousel, PHP partial Template, SASS, Google Fonts, font-awesome and JQuery.

Used technologies :-

  • HTML & CSS
  • jQuery
  • Isotope Library for sorting or filtering
  • PHP & MySQLi
  • Git - version control
  • cdnjs.com

About Project

  • Shopping website with products.
  • Shopping cart where you can add, reduce, delete, save to Wishlist.
  • Sort items by product names (filter items by brand names)

Installs and links

  • added cdn links of fontawesome, owl carousel, bootstrap from cdnjs
  • install SASS
    • npm init
    • npm i -g sass
    • Add start to compile sass on save "scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1", "start":"sass ./sass/style.scss style.css --watch" },
    • npm start in terminal

PHP Partial Templates

  • Turn .html files into .php files
  • Separate sections into different PHP files
    • They're in Template folder.
  • Partial Template files start with an _ e.g. _banner-area.php

Connect MySQL database

  • go to phpMyAdmin and create new database.
  • connect to the database using OOP.
  • close the connection each time the database isn't in use.
  • Store the products in the database and retrieve them for display, filter them on display or manipulate images from the database and not static html.

Database table

  • Product table - information about products.
  • Cart table - store all information of the shopping cart item.
  • User table - store all user information.
  • Wish List table - store the user's save for later products.

Fetch products

  • Display products from the database.