
# Plot.ly Homework - Belly Button Biodiversity ![Bacteria by filterforge.com](Images/bacteria.jpg) In this assignment, you will build an interactive dashboard to explore the [Belly Button Biodiversity dataset](http://robdunnlab.com/projects/belly-button-biodiversity/), which catalogs the microbes that colonize human navels. The dataset reveals that a small handful of microbial species (also called operational taxonomic units, or OTUs, in the study) were present in more than 70% of people, while the rest were relatively rare. ## Step 1: Plotly 1. Use the D3 library to read in `samples.json`. 2. Create a horizontal bar chart with a dropdown menu to display the top 10 OTUs found in that individual. * Use `sample_values` as the values for the bar chart. * Use `otu_ids` as the labels for the bar chart. * Use `otu_labels` as the hovertext for the chart. ![bar Chart](Images/hw01.png) 3. Create a bubble chart that displays each sample. * Use `otu_ids` for the x values. * Use `sample_values` for the y values. * Use `sample_values` for the marker size. * Use `otu_ids` for the marker colors. * Use `otu_labels` for the text values. ![Bubble Chart](Images/bubble_chart.png) 4. Display the sample metadata, i.e., an individual's demographic information. 5. Display each key-value pair from the metadata JSON object somewhere on the page. ![hw](Images/hw03.png) 6. Update all of the plots any time that a new sample is selected. Additionally, you are welcome to create any layout that you would like for your dashboard. An example dashboard is shown below: ![hw](Images/hw02.png) ## Advanced Challenge Assignment (Optional) The following task is advanced and therefore optional. * Adapt the Gauge Chart from <https://plot.ly/javascript/gauge-charts/> to plot the weekly washing frequency of the individual. * You will need to modify the example gauge code to account for values ranging from 0 through 9. * Update the chart whenever a new sample is selected. ![Weekly Washing Frequency Gauge](Images/gauge.png) ## Deployment * Deploy your app to a free static page hosting service, such as GitHub Pages. Submit the links to your deployment and your GitHub repo. * Ensure your repository has regular commits (i.e. 20+ commits) and a thorough README.md file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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