
Answer Set Programming for Python

Primary LanguageC++


Download, activate the virtualenv of your choice, then:

python2 setup.py sdist
pip2 install dist/gringo-*.tar.gz

This solution includes the whole clingo source [1]. It should be fairly simple to swap in a new version, just be sure to set up build/release.py correctly.

There is an exemple of release.py that compile clingo with multithread (TBB is downloadable manually [2] if not in your repository) and python2.7 support:

CXX = 'g++'
CXXFLAGS = ['-std=c++11', '-O3', '-Wall']
CPPPATH = ['/usr/include/python2.7', '/path/to/tbb/tbb43_20150316oss/include']
# path depends of your system.
LIBS = ['dl']
LIBPATH = ['/path/to/tbb/tbb43_20150316oss/lib/intel64/gcc4.4']
LINKFLAGS = ['-std=c++11', '-O3']
RPATH = []
AR = 'ar'
ARFLAGS = ['rc']
RANLIB = 'ranlib'
BISON = 'bison'
RE2C = 're2c'
WITH_PYTHON = 'python2.7'
WITH_LUA = 'auto'
WITH_TBB = 'tbb'