'=' not bound to magit-diff-less-context
marktran opened this issue · 4 comments
I'm running magit-20160410.222
with evil-magit-20160324.1838
and noticed that =
is bound to magit-log-toggle-commit-limit
and isn't working correctly. Using =
on a diff gives me this error: Wrong type argument: consp, nil
is bound to magit-diff-more-context
and works fine.
Yep, you're right. This is a bug, but it's coming from a deficiency in evil IMO. I submitted a change here which will allow me to fix this easily. Thanks for the report.
@marktran the fix was merged into evil, but evil hasn't been updated on melpa yet so I'll wait a little to merge the evil-magit fix.
Got delayed because it took a while for evil to update. You'll need to update evil when you update this package and everything should work. It will take a few hours for this to be on Melpa
Just updated and looks like it's working. Thanks Justin!