- 4
Evil-magit now part of evil-collection
#87 opened by countvajhula - 4
- 6
evil-magit not available on MELPA
#90 opened by janmasrovira - 3
Void variable error magit-file-mode-map
#85 opened by theophilusx - 4
- 1
respect evil-toggle-key
#82 opened by mohkale - 3
evil-magit-add-rebase-messages does not insert commands in buffer when locale is different from english
#81 opened by oggers - 3
- 1
magit-section don't work with evil visual-state
#79 opened by mohkale - 1
Bury buffer with 'q'?
#78 opened by ianyepan - 1
- 6
- 1
Keybindings in magit-submodule-list-mode
#71 opened by fuyu0425 - 4
- 1
- 3
- 3
Support for GPG signing
#66 opened by lucianonooijen - 9
In vanilla Magit I can use C-u s to do a "git add -N", can I do this with evil-magit?
#67 opened by fnune - 1
Initialisation warning
#65 opened by knjk04 - 8
- 34
Support for forge
#54 opened by edkolev - 8
- 0
Support registers for "yank" commands?
#58 opened by ashiklom - 1
Moving to parent section
#56 opened by DanielRichtmann - 1
Support for magit-wip-mode
#55 opened by mfiano - 2
Initial state of magit-popup
#47 opened by A6GibKm - 4
- 2
- 3
[feature request] support for magic-todos
#50 opened by casouri - 1
- 1
Evil-style chunk folding
#36 opened by justmytwospence - 2
Missing license file
#45 opened by Ambrevar - 2
magit-blame somehow nullifies evil-state
#44 opened by amosbird - 2
- 1
- 4
- 3
request magit-repolist-mode support
#35 opened by ambihelical - 0
Evil binding rationale
#34 opened by Ambrevar - 11
Support evil-search-module set to evil-search
#33 opened by dieggsy - 8
evil-magit breaks evil-want-C-u-scroll
#27 opened by zhenchaoli - 1
- 2
magit-blame C-e not like C-y
#30 opened by stacyharper - 2
- 3
- 6
evil-visual-char Request
#26 opened by jojojames - 1
magit-gh-pulls no longer works
#25 opened by robbyoconnor - 5
- 4
'=' not bound to magit-diff-less-context
#21 opened by marktran - 4
Request for binding magit-stgit-popup
#22 opened by ratheesh - 16