evil-surround-region not working since recent evil update
Closed this issue · 1 comments
tttuuu888 commented
Hello, thank you for developing and maintaining this great package.
I found evil-surround-region
is not working at all since recent evil
Debugger message is as below.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (0 . 0) 1)
byte-code("\306\307\310\"\205\17\0\311\307\310\"\206\17\0\312\30\311\307\313\"\31`\32\314\211\33\34\314\211\35\26\24\16\25\26\26i\26\27\315 `\22\15\26\24\316 \2048..." [evil-operator-range-motion evil-operator-range-type orig evil-operator-range-beginning evil-operator-range-end evil-inhibit-operator evil-has-command-property-p evil-surround-region :motion evil-get-command-property undefined :type nil evil-surround-input-region-char evil-visual-state-p region-active-p t evil-visual-rotate upper-left :move-point evil-inhibit-operator-value this-command evil-this-operator evil-operator-start-col deactivate-mark] 5)
call-interactively(evil-surround-region nil nil)
It seems like this happens because evil-operator-range
has recently updated and no longer allow argument.
(evil/commit/29a5d4 )
tttuuu888 commented
This issue have been resolved since evil restored argument for evil-operator-range
. (evil/commit/49fc38)
I'm closing this issue. Thank you.