you will be surrounded (surround.vim for evil, the extensible vi layer)
- 19
vim-sandwich style bindings
#209 opened by aleksandersumowski - 1
Add keybinds like almost vim-sandwich
#215 opened by AssaultAlpaca - 1
Function surround inconsistencies
#214 opened by mmaazahmed - 8
surround change remove newline
#170 opened by Zenoe - 2
- 1
Paren(s) inside quotes are not ignored
#211 opened by precompute - 8
- 11
New maintainer for evil-surround!
#182 opened by ninrod - 3
- 3
Delete with left paren not working?
#205 opened by dieggsy - 4
change / delete surround delimiters stopped working with evil-cp-change / evil-cp-delete
#204 opened by practicalli-johnny - 3
Deleting surrounding tags leaves a blank line
#203 opened by angrybacon - 1
Any command with s switches to substitute mode
#196 opened by Hoplite-WAM - 3
- 1
Add a control variable to disable the padding space when using `S` to insert pairs
#197 opened by tlkahn - 2
- 1
evil-add-to-alist no longer works to add custom pairs
#198 opened by chadhs - 0
Warnings with emacs 28 w/ compilation
#177 opened by ideasman42 - 2
- 1
- 0
Bind in operator map
#193 opened by Vurp - 4
Not working with pointy brackets
#192 opened by xeruf - 1
- 0
Visual-line-mode still breaks (with region)
#183 opened by MintSoup - 0
Add C-f delimiter for sexps
#184 opened by dominikh - 0
Multi Select and surround
#189 opened by i-have-no-name - 3
- 3
Renaming tags not working for me
#185 opened by elmehalawi - 3
Actual string pairs support?
#180 opened by Inc0n - 2
Can use with .config/emac?
#176 opened by irigone - 0
- 26
visual-line-mode still breaks evil-surround
#173 opened by MintSoup - 0
Surrounding with \( adds no space before, but one space in the middle of, the closing \)
#172 opened by hugonobrega - 2
broken in emacs snapshot
#171 opened by redguardtoo - 3
Wrong number of arguments
#169 opened by qazxwecvr - 3
html tags with elements are too "sticky"
#168 opened by jplindstrom - 2
e fails to jump from end of single letter word
#149 opened by daphniz - 1
not found in melpa
#167 opened by Moanrisy - 6
- 3
Keep visual state after surrounding
#163 opened by mpanarin - 5
use prefix to save-excursion
#158 opened by mohkale - 5
- 3
- 5
Does not enable on buffers without a file
#157 opened by Silex - 4
- 19
ruby: "no surrounding delimiters found" for simple case
#154 opened by Silex - 2
new release
#153 opened by tam5 - 3
- 1
Keep attributes when changing tag
#150 opened by tam5 - 8
Use vimlike `csw`
#147 opened by tam5