vim-sandwich style bindings
aleksandersumowski opened this issue · 19 comments
Is there a way to redefine the bindings to be vim-sandwich style, ie:
overtake s
key as key sequence trigger and use:
to add a surroundingsr
to replace a surroundingsd
to delete a surrounding
more detailed examples:
Hi @aleksandersumowski it's not trivial to do in a generic way, but I think I've got the functionality you want working with the following elisp:
(evil-define-command evil-sandwich (char)
(interactive (evil-surround-input-char))
(pcase char
(?a #'evil-surround-region)
(?r #'evil-surround-change)
(?d #'evil-surround-delete))))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-surround-mode-map "s" 'evil-sandwich)
Lemme know if that works for you.
Assuming this fixes. Feel free to reopen if not.
I'm still strugling to make this keybinding work in Doom Emacs. The binding remains bound to evil-snipe
. But I guess thats outside the scope of evil surround 🤷
I don't use Doom or evil-snipe, but having looked at the readme, I think this would fix that problem:
(evil-define-key '(normal motion) evil-snipe-local-mode-map "s" nil)
and then define whatever key you want to use instead in evil-snipe-local-mode-map
and you'll be fine.
that has worked, but now
s runs the command evil-substitute (found in evil-normal-state-map), which is an interactive native-compiled Lisp function in ‘evil-commands.el’.
There should be a way to simply override a mapping ...
wait, wouldn't this only work if I'm already in evil-surround-mode
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-surround-mode-map "s" 'evil-sandwich)
Sorry to be unclear. What I was suggesting was to put something like this in your config:
(evil-define-command evil-sandwich...)
(evil-define-key '(normal motion) evil-snipe-local-mode-map "s" nil)
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-surround-mode-map "s" 'evil-sandwich)
Because it's quite clear. You can indeed avoid binding "s" to nil
in evil-snipe-local-mode-map
, by quoting evil-surround-map
like so:
(evil-define-command evil-sandwich...)
(evil-define-key 'normal 'evil-surround-mode-map "s" 'evil-sandwich)
But that very subtle difference (just the '
) is too easy to miss imo, so I prefer unbinding beforehand, as above. That's up to you.
wait, wouldn't this only work if I'm already in evil-surround-mode?
The keybinding will only work if evil-surround-mode is enabled. But defining the key can be done before/after it is enabled. Modes being on or off is a bit of a confusing concept, as the functions are all available either way, as long as they are loaded. If you want to use evil-sandwich without evil-surround being enabled, bind it in another keymap.