
helm-run-after-exit not passing the previous match keyword into next helm session, only if previous match is not result.

zw963 opened this issue · 9 comments

What happened?

this issue is a follow-up to the previous issue.

It work as you said, but only partly.

anyway, just describe issue here, not need check old one.

I wrote some function like following:

(defun helm-git-grep-get-input-symbol ()
  "Get input symbol."
  (if (not mark-active)
      (thing-at-point 'symbol)
    (when (use-region-p)
      (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))))

(defun helm-grep-do-git-grep-hacked (arg)
  "Preconfigured `helm' for git-grepping `default-directory'.
With a prefix arg ARG git-grep the whole repository."
  (interactive "P")
  (require 'helm-files)
  (helm-grep-git-1 default-directory arg nil (helm-git-grep-get-input-symbol)))

(defun helm-quit-and-do-git-grep-on-project ()
  "Drop into `helm-grep-do-git-grep' on entire project from `helm'."
    (helm-run-after-exit #'helm-grep-do-git-grep-hacked t)))

(global-set-key (kbd "M-r") 'helm-grep-do-git-grep-hacked)
(define-key helm-grep-map (kbd "M-r") 'helm-quit-and-do-git-grep-on-project)

The function is simple

(1) when i run M-r the first time, it use helm-grep-git on default-directory only,

(2) if i could not found the expected result, i will pressing M-r again, i will fallback do git-grep on project instead, use same match as (1).

It works well there was matched result when run (1).

But, if there is no matched result when run (1), try again use (2), i have to re typing the match keyword again.

So, i consider there is something need improve for helm-run-after-exit , thanks!

How to reproduce?

As above

Helm Version

Master branch

Emacs Version




Relevant backtrace (if possible)

No response

Minimal configuration

  • I agree using a minimal configuration

sorry, it not work, please let me use a concrete example for describe my issue.

  1. open a file
  2. move cursor into a non-text blank place
  3. M-r to run helm-grep-do-git-grep-hacked
  4. typing "local-set-key", i assume there is no matched result in current file. (this is the key difference, if there is even only one match, this function work as expect)
  5. next, i try M-r again, want to match local-set-key on the project

the issue here is, i have to retyping local-set-key to start, but i typing it once before.

above issue is not exists if there is match result when the first time typing 'M-r'.


Sorry, still not work as expected.

When the is no matched result the first time, git grep exit with code 1 like this. (see screenshot)


And, when i pressing M-r again, just a blank pattern here. (see screenshot)


I even set the timer to 1s, this has severely impacted the helm-grep use experience. but, still bank there.


Try this instead: (defun helm-grep-do-git-grep-hacked (arg) "Preconfigured helm' for git-grepping default-directory'. With a prefix arg ARG git-grep the whole repository." (interactive "P") (require 'helm-files) (run-at-time 0.1 nil #'helm-grep-git-1 default-directory arg nil (or helm-pattern (helm-git-grep-get-input-symbol))))

works like a charm! thank you very much!

NOTE: I am still wondering why you regularly insist to use the INPUT argument when what we have actually in Helm works perfectly i.e. starting from helm-find-files.

I probably rely on a small number of (not so correct) helm usages heavily, if i don't understood wrong, what you mean is, prefer to start from helm-find-files, right?

BTW, one of reason i don't like use helm-find-files is, the keybinding of helm-toggle-visible-mark-forward is not so easy to use for a (Chinese) user like me, because after installed IM(e.g. fcitx5), this process live forever, and intercept the Ctrl + Space always.

Wired, after use the last config, it could found the matching result even my cursor is under a symbol which should always matched because it exists on current file.


But, anyway, i understood the key, following is the complete work solution:

(defun helm-git-grep-get-input-symbol ()
  "Get input symbol."
  (if (not mark-active)
      (thing-at-point 'symbol)
    (when (use-region-p)
      (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)))))

(defun helm-grep-do-git-grep-on-symbol (arg)
  "Preconfigured `helm' for git-grepping `default-directory'.
With a prefix arg ARG git-grep the whole repository."
  (interactive "P")
  (require 'helm-files)
  (helm-grep-git-1 default-directory arg nil (helm-git-grep-get-input-symbol)))

(defun helm-grep-do-git-grep-on-previous-pattern (arg)
  "Preconfigured `helm' for git-grepping `default-directory'.
    With a prefix arg ARG git-grep the whole repository."
  (interactive "P")
  (run-at-time 0.1 nil #'helm-grep-git-1
               default-directory arg nil

(defun helm-quit-and-do-git-grep-on-project ()
  "Drop into `helm-grep-do-git-grep' on entire project from `helm'."
    (helm-run-after-exit #'helm-grep-do-git-grep-on-previous-pattern t)))

(global-set-key (kbd "M-r") 'helm-grep-do-git-grep-on-symbol)
(define-key helm-grep-map (kbd "M-r") 'helm-quit-and-do-git-grep-on-project)

Thank thierry alot!