- 11
- 6
helm-packages fails when archive name is too long
#2691 opened by pkryger - 5
Disabling of sorting through setting helm-completion-in-region-default-sort-fn to nil no longer works
#2689 opened by Thaodan - 3
Simplified search (helm-occur)
#2687 opened by Addlai - 11
Cannot split side window or parent of side window
#2686 opened by ipocentro87 - 2
Incompatility between helm-display-buffer-reuse-frame, helm-display-buffer-in-own-frame and desktop-read
#2688 opened by scmanjarrez - 2
Unable to scroll past Buffers to Recentf using arrow in Hem-Mini (keeps scrolling inside Buffers list)
#2633 opened by ratnesh1729 - 7
- 3
Cannot pre-set 'follow attribute
#2639 opened by alexvorobiev - 8
- 3
Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth
#2685 opened by algon-ns - 3
- 4
helm-occur stopped to work with Emacs 29
#2682 opened by pietro-coretto - 8
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 3
Extra space is inserted to helm completion in shell mode
#2669 opened by kamikado - 4
helm-M-x-execute-command: Symbol’s function definition is void: \(setf\ set-buffer-modified-p\)
#2667 opened by OrionRandD - 9
helm-run-after-exit not passing the previous match keyword into next helm session, only if previous match is not result.
#2663 opened by zw963 - 3
Helm buffers path format. Visual clutter.
#2664 opened by karbiv - 4
- 9
- 3
- 9
:exit-function called with 'exact STATUS when completion-at-point called on already completed sole completion candidate
#2646 opened by non-Jedi - 1
endless loop in 'helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn', re-search-forward
#2657 opened by karbiv - 4
Endless loop in 'helm-fuzzy-default-highlight-match-1'
#2652 opened by karbiv - 7
when annotation is used with completing-read, negating first pattern yields a "ghost" candidate at top
#2651 opened by dankessler - 3
- 7
Emacs' "while-no-input" prevents discoverability/debugging of all Helm funcs invoked after "helm-update"
#2648 opened by karbiv - 8
- 27
helm-echo-input-in-header-line UI bug.
#2638 opened by karbiv - 1
follow-mode messes up Emacs' buffer-list, pseudo-randomized order of buffers on each Helm invocation.
#2643 opened by karbiv - 7
Error with helm-core : Symbol’s function definition is void: def-edebug-elem-spec
#2641 opened by SvenRieke - 31
Cannot find `slime` function in `M-x`
#2616 opened by ccqpein - 2
helm with a list of sources can only select candidates from the first source in the list
#2637 opened by smferris - 3
- 15
- 0
- 2
frameset-register-p in helm-ring.el undefined
#2630 opened by xiongtx - 3
Add function to clean up any text in Helm input field
#2629 opened by ReneFroger - 6
- 3
- 3
- 1
- 4
- 2
- 2
helm-locate-library broken
#2618 opened by michael-heerdegen - 2
Why was helm-comint deleted?
#2615 opened by victorfonsec4 - 3