
Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth

algon-ns opened this issue · 3 comments

What happened?

At Start of emacs [with (Debug on error t)] I get this error
Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth
from helm-core-20240830.1602/helm-core.el

How to reproduce?

Just starting emacs, but I am not smart enough to only have helm package loaded......
besides I think I need to have doom mode line runinng too.

I do not run Doom, but my own configuration

Helm Version

Master branch

Emacs Version




Relevant backtrace (if possible)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth’")
  advice--p(#f(compiled-function (source &optional force) "Set up mode-line and header-line for `helm-buffer'.\n\nSOURCE is a Helm source object.\n\nOptional argument FORCE forces redisplay of the Helm buffer's\nmode and header lines." #<bytecode -0xbfe72b9abd9e863>))
  advice--tweak(#f(compiled-function (source &optional force) "Set up mode-line and header-line for `helm-buffer'.\n\nSOURCE is a Helm source object.\n\nOptional argument FORCE forces redisplay of the Helm buffer's\nmode and header lines." #<bytecode -0xbfe72b9abd9e863>) #f(compiled-function (first rest props) #<bytecode -0x1e8340da76c28075>))
  advice--remove-function(#f(compiled-function (source &optional force) "Set up mode-line and header-line for `helm-buffer'.\n\nSOURCE is a Helm source object.\n\nOptional argument FORCE forces redisplay of the Helm buffer's\nmode and header lines." #<bytecode -0xbfe72b9abd9e863>) doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline)
  #f(compiled-function (first rest props) #<bytecode -0x1e8340da76c28075>)(doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline #f(compiled-function (source &optional force) "Set up mode-line and header-line for `helm-buffer'.\n\nSOURCE is a Helm source object.\n\nOptional argument FORCE forces redisplay of the Helm buffer's\nmode and header lines." #<bytecode -0xbfe72b9abd9e863>) nil)
  advice--tweak(#f(advice doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline :after #f(compiled-function (source &optional force) "Set up mode-line and header-line for `helm-buffer'.\n\nSOURCE is a Helm source object.\n\nOptional argument FORCE forces redisplay of the Helm buffer's\nmode and header lines." #<bytecode -0xbfe72b9abd9e863>)) #f(compiled-function (first rest props) #<bytecode -0x1e8340da76c28075>))
  advice--remove-function(#f(advice doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline :after #f(compiled-function (source &optional force) "Set up mode-line and header-line for `helm-buffer'.\n\nSOURCE is a Helm source object.\n\nOptional argument FORCE forces redisplay of the Helm buffer's\nmode and header lines." #<bytecode -0xbfe72b9abd9e863>)) doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline)
  advice--add-function(:after (#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x319866e3b41141>) . #f(compiled-function (gv--val) #<bytecode -0x10e36fc77a746659>)) doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline nil)
  advice-add(helm-display-mode-line :after doom-modeline-set-helm-modeline)
  run-hooks(doom-modeline-mode-hook doom-modeline-mode-on-hook)
  run-hooks(doom-modeline-mode-hook doom-modeline-mode-on-hook)
  run-hooks(doom-modeline-mode-hook doom-modeline-mode-on-hook)
  run-hooks(doom-modeline-mode-hook doom-modeline-mode-on-hook)
  run-hooks(after-init-hook delayed-warnings-hook)

Minimal configuration

  • I agree using a minimal configuration

Please contact the Doom maintainer for your bug which is not related to Helm. For help feel free to ask at https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm/discussions.
