- 0
Seems to be leaving red error indicators in the fringes of my markdown files.
#28 opened by dabrahams - 3
completion stops working after error
#20 opened by wibed - 2
Example of working config?
#22 opened by konrad1977 - 8
lsp-sourcekit can't get complete candidates
#18 opened by stardiviner - 2
no such module 'UIKit'
#17 opened by DanielLiuCD - 2
Emacs 25 incompatibility
#12 opened by thomasdeniau - 6
Lagging interface with company-mode
#6 opened by jandamm - 10
- 3
Configuration Help
#5 opened by rudedogg - 2
- 2
- 5
Error during redisplay: (eval (lsp-mode-line)) signaled (wrong-type-argument lsp--workspace nil) [6 times]
#4 opened by dabrahams - 2
Add lsp-sourcekit to MELPA
#1 opened by fiveNinePlusR