
Emacs Port of git-messenger.vim

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


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git-messenger.el is Emacs port of git-messenger.vim.

git-messenger.el provides function that popup commit message at current line. This is useful when you want to know why this line was changed.


Screenshot of git-messenger.el


git-messenger is available on MELPA and MELPA stable

You can install git-messenger with the following command.

M-x package-install [RET] git-messenger [RET]


Supported VCS

  • Git
  • Subversion
  • Mercurial



Pop up last commit message at current line. Show detail message, Commit ID, Author, Date and commit message with C-u prefix

Screenshot of git-messenger with prefix argument

Key Bindings

You can modify key bindings by customizing git-messenger-map.

Key Command
M-w Copy commit message and quit
c Copy commit ID and quit
d Pop up git diff of last change of this line
s Pop up git show --stat of last change of this line
S Pop up git show --stat -p of last change of this line
q Quit


git-messenger:show-detail(Default nil)

Always show detail message if this value is t.

git-messenger:handled-backends(Default '(git svn))

Handled VCS which git-messenger uses. Entries in this list will be tried in order to determine whether a file is under that sort of version control.

git-messenger:use-magit-popup(Default nil)

Use magit-show-commit for showing status/diff commands



Run before popup commit message. Hook function take one argument, commit message.


Run after popup commit message. Hook function take one argument, commit message.


Run after popup buffer.

Global Variables

You may be able to use these variables useful in commands of git-messenger-map.


Last popup-ed commit message


Last popup-ed commit ID

Sample Configuration

(require 'git-messenger) ;; You need not to load if you install with package.el
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x v p") 'git-messenger:popup-message)

(define-key git-messenger-map (kbd "m") 'git-messenger:copy-message)

;; Use magit-show-commit for showing status/diff commands
 '(git-messenger:use-magit-popup t))