

This node application creates a LIRI - Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. It is a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives back data.

How It Works

Using Spotify, Bands in Town, and OMDB, this LIRI app does searches based on a user's input by sending requests to the respective API. It uses the following Node packages to make this possible:

User Instructions

The liri.js app takes in one of the following commands and returns data specific to the type of command:

  • concert-this

    • Searches the Bands in Town Artist Events API for an artist and returns the following information about the event to the terminal:
      • Name of the venue

      • Venue location

      • Date of the Event (use moment to format this as "MM/DD/YYYY")

      • By default, if no artist is provided then the program will return info about Bon Jovi.

  • spotify-this-song

    • Sends a request to the Spotify API for a song input and returns the following information about the song in the terminal:
      • Artist(s)

      • The song's name

      • A preview link of the song from Spotify

      • The album that the song is from

      • By default, if no song is provided then the program will return info about "The Sign" by Ace of Base.

  • movie-this

    • Searches the OMDB API for a movie title and returns the following information to the terminal:
      * Title of the movie.
      * Year the movie came out.
      * IMDB Rating of the movie.
      * Rotten Tomatoes Rating of the movie.
      * Country where the movie was produced.
      * Language of the movie.
      * Plot of the movie.
      * Actors in the movie.
    • By default, if no movie is provided by the user, the program will output data for the movie 'Mr. Nobody.'
  • do-what-it-says

    • Uses the fs Node package and takes the text inside of a random.txt file and uses it to call one of LIRI's commands. The text in random.txt can be edited to create unique calls with each command type.

Preview of liri.js in action

See the following videos for a preview of how a user would use this LIRI app:


  • Each input typed by the user is logged to a log.txt file.

  • Content is appended to this log file, not overwritten.
