
Build and deploy a blog under 10 minutes using JAMstack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm i -g gatsby-cli
mkdir my-blog
cd my-blog
npm init -y
npm i -S gatsby react react-dom

Add scripts:

"scripts": {
  "develop": "gatsby develop",
  "build": "gatsby build"
  • Create home page src/pages/index.js
  • Run npm run develop
  • Add about page: src/pages/about.js
  • Add layout component: src/components/layout.js
  • Add nav links
  • Attach layout component with the pages
  • Intro gatsby-config.js - for site metadata, managing plugins
  • Show the useStaticQuery hook to get the site title and add it in header
  • Add the gatsby-source-filesystem plugin to read the markdown
  • Show the graphiql interface to query the list of files from the data
  • Add the gatsby-transformer-remark plugin to transform the markdown files
  • Show the graphiql interface to query the transformed markdown files
  • Add the page query in the home page to query the list of posts
  • Now question how do we create dynamic pages
  • Intro gatsby-node.js and showcase onCreateNode method
  • Show creating a custom slug field in our MarkdownRemark type
  • Using createPages, query the allMarkdownRemark for the slug field and create a dynamic page and passing slug in context to the page
  • Create a template page src/templates/post.js and query the allMarkdownRemark with variable slug
  • Deploy time!
  • Install now-cli globally: npm i -g now
  • Login to now: now login
  • Deploy the project: now