
Emailicious API documentation

Primary LanguagePython

Emailicious API documentation

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The Emailicious API documentation is built using Sphinx and available on Read the docs.

Building the docs

In order to build the docs you will need to install the required Python dependencies. We suggest you use pip to perform the installation:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once all the required packages are installed you can simply use make to target the desired build:

make html

Windows user can use the provided make.bat script to perform the same actions.

Building localized docs

A localized version of the documentation can be built by passing the appropriate Sphinx options as an environment variable:

sphinx-intl build
make html -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='fr'"

Translating the docs

The documentation are translated using sphinx-intl which relies on gettext under the hood.

In order to generate the translation catalogs for a specific locale the following commands must be run:

make gettext
sphinx-intl update -p build/locale -l <locale>

Where <locale> should be replaced by the name of the locale to generate the catalogs for.

Once these command complete the translation catalogs (.po files) will be available for edition in the source/locale/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES directory.

You can proceed to building localized docs.