
Primary LanguageJava


Steps to run tests

Configure Windows to capture audio: Go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound, click on sound icon. Now go to recording, Right click -> enable "disconnected devices". You will find "Stereo mix" icon. Make it as default device.

Configure Linux to capture audio: TODO

Configure Mac OS to capture audio: TODO

1. Java 8, maven have to be installed

2. Run command "mvn install:install-file -Dfile=src/main/resources/musicg- -DgroupId=com.musicg -DartifactId=musicg -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar"" in project directory

3. Run command "mvn clean test site -P browser_chrome,grid_no" in project directory

Note: Allure report can be opened by link: /target/site/allure-maven-plugin/index.html
