WebDriver Extensions

This project consists of a set of WebDriver extensions:

  • webdriver-factory is an utility to simplify managing instances of WebDriver
  • webdriver-repeatable-actions is an alternative to "expected conditions": instead of waiting for an element to be ready for an action one can try to perform an action until succeeded
  • webdriver-wrapper allows to create WebDriver extensions following Decorator design pattern; it also contains several ready-to-use extensions: a wrapper that highlights elements before an action, a wrapper that handles unhandled alerts, a wrapper that handles "stale" elements and attempts to find them again and perform the action on the "restored" element
  • webdriver-logging-wrapper is a WebDriver wrapper that logs all commands to slf4j
  • webdriver-implicit-wait-wrapper implements client-side waits that are similar to browser-side impicit waits, but are more intelligent and flexible