$ git clone https://github.com/emalherbi/dotfiles-linux.git && cd dotfiles
$ chmod +x install
$ bash install
After installation, configurate to receiving emails when your PC start.
- Edit file "linux/email-send-pc-start.sh", and change the email.
echo "Hello. Your computer $PC - $OS was connected at $DT." | mail -s "[$PC - $OS] Access $DT" email@email.com
- Run the command below:
crontab -e
@reboot ~/email-send-pc-start.sh
- Run the command below:
crontab -e
@reboot ~/gitlab-runner.sh
Configure "ANDROID_HOME" and "JAVA_HOME" if necessary.
- Edit file "system/.bash_aliases".
export ANDROID_HOME=${HOME}/Android/Sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
export JAVA_HOME='/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64'
.inputrc ✔
=> linux ✔
| => aptitude ✔
| => xclip ✔
| => meld ✔
| => rar ✔
=> homebrew ✔
| => node ✔
| => svn ✔
| => ant ✔
| => vim ✔
| => wifi-password ✔
| => 7zip ✔
| => yarn ✔
=> ruby ✔
| => gem ✔
| => cocoapods ✔
| => jekyll ✔
=> node ✔
| => grunt ✔
| => grunt-init ✔
| => bower ✔
| => yeoman ✔
| => ionic ✔
| => vtop ✔
| => nativefier ✔
| => npm-check ✔
| => speed-test ✔
| => generator-play-ideia ✔
| => generator-locawebstyle ✔
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