
A highly opinionated and complete starter for Next.js projects ready to production

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Next Starter

The aim for this starter is to give you a starting point with everything ready to work and launch to production. Web Vitals with 100% by default. Folder structure ready. Tooling ready. SEO ready. SSR ready.


⚡️ Stack

Available Scripts

  • yarn dev Next dev
  • yarn start: Next start
  • yarn build: Next build
  • yarn analyze: Generate bundle-analyzer
  • yarn lint: Audit code quality

🖌 Styling

Styling is done with 💅🏼 Styled Components.

Global Styles

Global styles from @/components/GlobalStyles are added in _app.tsx

There you will find 2 things.

  • An Opinionated CSS Reset.
  • Some CSS Variables for colors that will be accesible by the whole app.

Styling Performance

In order to improve performance, Styled Components are generated at build time and served with the document generated by Next's Server Side Rendering.

There is already a font preloaded from Google Fonts, Poppins. Using Google Fonts allows Next.js to CSS inline the font at build time.

All of this is happening at _document.tsx

🏁 Tooling


ESLint extends eslint-config-airbnb, eslint-config-next, and some accesibility recomendations from eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y.

There are also some opinionated rules you can change at .eslintrc.js.


Prettier will be managed using ESLint. For Code Styling the Prettier config at .prettierrc.js will be used.

Some popular settings are already set.

trailingComma: 'es5',
singleQuote: true,
printWidth: 80,
tabWidth: 2,
useTabs: false,
endOfLine: 'lf'


Any ESLint config that has conflicts with be overriten and Prettier config will be used in that case.


Some extensions are recommended from .vscode/extensions.json

Format on save is disabled so we can leverable formating to ESLint.

CSS Variables extension will check for CSS Custom Properties at GlobalStyles.tsx

"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
  "source.fixAll.eslint": true
"cssVariables.lookupFiles": [


Absolute imports

Absolute imports working with prefix @/ starting from src folder.

"paths": {
  "@/*": ["src/*"],


Sorting and grouping imports

Imports will be grouped by dependencies, absolute imports (@/*) and relative imports. Also they will be sorted by insensitive ascending order.

This is done using eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort and sort-keys from .eslintrc.js

Validate staged files

On every commit, the staged files will be validated to pass ESLint config.

This is done using husky and lint-staged

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
  "lint-staged": {
    "*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": "eslint --cache --fix --cache-location ./node_modules/.cache/.eslintcache"


Styled Components

One common feature when using Styled Components is to use babel-plugin-styled-components to improve the readability of the generated classNames, and display the fileName in the className generated.

This is done without using the plugin, by Vercel's team with the flag:

styledComponents: true


Using this prevents the need to create a babel.config.json, which breaks the posibility to use SWC (Rust based and more performant) compiler for Next.js.

Next.js Compiler

Other options added for the Next.js compiler includes removing console.* in production, adding concurrent features so Suspend just works, and reactStrictMode.

compiler: {
  removeConsole: true,
  styledComponents: true,
experimental: {
  concurrentFeatures: true,
reactStrictMode: true,



Head Component

The Head component has already some defaults, change them to fit your use case.

Then import it and use it on the root of any page you need SEO.

import { Head } from '@/components'

You can also pass props to customize the use case of different pages.

OG Image

There is an OG Image already in /public/images/og.png, change it for a OG Image that suit your use case.

It should be 1200x630px to fit most social media.


/public/robots.txt file already provided allowing indexing.
