
Hacked version of Google Assistant on PC to allow always listening

Primary LanguagePython

Running Google Assistant as a Systemd unit

Ensure you have Google Assistant setup using this guide

Replace ~/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/googlesamples/assistant/__main__.py with mine.

I have removed the need to press the "Enter" key, which makes it "Always listening".

The below commands will allow Google Assistant to start on boot using systemd.

cp google_assistant.service ~/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/
systemctl --user daemon-reload 
systemctl --user start google_assistant.service 
systemctl --user enable google_assistant.service  #Use this command only if you would like it to start on boot

I have no gurantee it will work on later versions of assistant.

Google assistant is the trademark of Google Inc., I owned no rights to any of their products or their trademark.