
Reddit upvoted and saved media downloader

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT

My Reddit Downloader

Download upvoted and saved media from Reddit




  • Python 3.6 or above
  • requests
  • praw


Create a developer application on reddit if needed


pip install myredditdl


Manual Installation

1. Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/emanuel2718/myredditdl
$ cd myredditdl

2. Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Install myredditdl

# you might need to install setuptools (pip install setuptools)
$ python3 setup.py install

4. Fill reddit developer app information

$ myredditdl --add-client

How to use

$ myredditdl [REQUIRED] [OPTIONS]
-U, --upvote            Download upvoted media
-S, --saved             Download saved media


Optional arguments:
-h, --help                show this message and exit
-v, --version             display the current version of myreddit-dl

--sub [SUBREDDIT ...]     only download media that belongs to the given subreddit(s)
--limit [LIMIT]           limit the amount of media to download (default: None)
--max-depth [MAX_DEPTH]   maximum amount of posts to iterate through

--no-video                don't download video files (.mp4, .gif, .gifv, etc.)
--only-video              only download video files
--no-nsfw                 disable NSFW content download
--add-client              add a new Reddit account
--change-client           change to another valid existing reddit client (account)
--prefix OPT              set filename prefix (post author username and/or post subreddit name)
                              '--config-prefix username'           --> username_id.ext
                              '--config-prefix username subreddit' --> username_subreddit_id.ext
                              '--config-prefix subreddit username' --> subreddit_username_id.ext
                              '--config-prefix subreddit'          --> subreddit_id.ext
                          Default: subreddit_username.ext
--path PATH               path to the folder were media will be downloaded to
--get-config              prints the configuration file information to the terminal
--no-metadata             don't save metadata for the downloaded media
--get-metadata FILE       print all the reddit metadata of the given FILE
--get-link FILE           print reddit link of given FILE
--get-title FILE          print post title of given FILE
--delete-database         delete the database of the current active reddit client user


Set the reddit client information to be able to use myredditdl

$ myredditdl --add-client

Set the path to the destination folder for the downloaded media

$ myredditdl --path ~/Path/to/destination

Set the filenames prefix scheme of the downloaded media

# This will save all the files with the scheme: `postAuthorUsername_uniqueId.extension`
$ myredditdl --prefix username
# This will save all the files with the scheme: `subredditName_postAuthorUsername_uniqueId.extension`
$ myredditdl --prefix subreddit username
# This will save all the files with the scheme: `postAuthorName_subredditName_uniqueId.extension`
$ myredditdl --config-prefix username subreddit

Show the current configuration

$ myredditdl --show-config

Example usage:

Download all user upvoted media (limited to 1000 posts: Praw's API hard limit)

$ myredditdl -U

Download all user saved media and don't save metadata of posts

$ myredditdl -S --no-metadata

Download all user upvoted and saved media except NSFW posts

$ myredditdl -U -S --no-nsfw

Download all the user upvoted posts from the r/MechanicalKeyboards subreddit

$ myredditdl -U --sub MechanicalKeyboards

Download all the user upvoted posts from the r/MechanicalKeyboards and r/Battlestations subreddits

# There's no limit to how many subreddits can be chained together
$ myredditdl -U --sub MechanicalKeyboards Battlestations

Download only 10 posts media and only download images (don't download videos)

$ myredditdl -U --limit 10 --no-video

Get the post link of a downloaded media

# This will print the reddit post link of that image
$ myredditdl --get-link random_image.png

Get the post title of a downloaded media

# This will print the reddit post title of that video
$ myredditdl --get-title random_video.mp4

Get the metadata of downloaded media

# This will print the metadata of the image
$ myredditdl --get-metadata random_image.jpg