
Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for Android phones (gbcoid)

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Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for Android phones

The original project is located at https://sourceforge.net/p/gbcoid, but it's no more maintained. Although, the author suggests migrating to libretro, gbcoid still remains a simple and working emulator, which performs its job very well. I've seen many emulators having permissions problems leading to the inability to load ROM files, whereas gbcoid works just fine.

This project is a port of the original project to the new Android Studio tools to provide a working setup as well as fixes to some little bugs.


A freshly generated APK can be found here. It includes the following enhancements over the original 1.8.5 apk:

  • Use a more recent gui, libemudroid version
  • Fix crackling noise after resuming music (libemudroid)
  • Smoother DPAD movements

UPDATE On the web is available an official gbcoid 1.8.6 apk which fixes some of the issues above. https://www.emuparadise.me/Nintendo_Game_Boy_Color_Emulators/Android/GBCoid/130


  • This project depends on libemudroid. After building libemudroid, you should:

    cp ../libemudroid/build/outputs/aar/libemudroid-release.aar libemudroid/libemudroid.aar

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