
Material used and created during the creation of the bachelor's thesis, concerning the performance analysis and expressiveness of Intrusion Detection System rules generated in LUA language for industrial scenarios.

Primary LanguagePython


Material created during the creation of the bachelor's thesis, concerning the performance analysis and expressiveness of Intrusion Detection System rules generated in LUA language for industrial scenarios.

How to use the project

  1. Open project folder.
  2. Enter Infrastructure folder and run vagrant up. Then start client and server with vagrant ssh client and vagrant ssh server.
  3. In server install Python and pyModbus.
  4. In client install Python, Suricata and pyModbus.
    • Place suricata.yaml into /etc/suricata/
    • Place modbus_detect.rules into /etc/suricata/rules/
    • Place prova1.lua into /etc/suricata/rules/
    • Place ceftest.lua and script1.lua into /etc/suricata/lua-outputs
  5. Put into Infrastructure folder:
    • client_async.py
    • client_payloads.py
    • helper.py
    • server_async.py
    • server_payloads.py
  6. Run server with python3 server_payloads.py -c tcp -p 502
  7. Run client with python3 client_payloads.py -c tcp -p 502 --host
  8. Check the two new-created log files ceftest.cef and luatest.log for alerts.