
A list of essential HTTP status codes

HTTP Status Codes

This is a list of essential HTTP status codes

Note: It is not a complete list but only the most important ones

200 OK

  • The request was successful

201 Created

  • The request was successful and a resource was created as a result

204 No Content

  • The request was successful, but there is no representation to return (i.e. the response is empty)

301, 308 Permanent Redirect

  • The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI

302, 307 Temporary Redirect

  • The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI

400 Bad Request

  • The request could not be understood or was missing required parameters

401 Unauthorized

  • Authentication failed or user does not have permissions for the requested operation

403 Forbidden

  • Authentication succeeded, but authenticated user does not have access to the requested resource

404 Not Found

  • The requested resource could not be found

410 Gone

  • The requested resource is no longer available

500 Internal Server Error

  • An error occurred on the server

503 Service Unavailable

  • The server is currently unavailable (overloaded or down for maintenance)